10- Fuck 'em

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As I made my rounds about the dining room at work, my mind wondered back to the incident in the truck the night before. How was it possible I got lucky enough to snag two guys that not only could drive me wild, if it was any indication as to what they could do to me from our few shared kisses and the experience in the truck, but also put me above anything else?

They were both turned on, but at the drop of a hat they put me first. When I'd embarrassingly enough thought I'd peed myself they'd stopped everything to comfort and correct me, not even showing any interest in fixing the large tents they both sported in that moment. They'd said at the restaraunt how uncomfortable, and sometimes painful, it could be; I felt that last night.

I felt what it was like for my body to physically quake from sexual frustration and again from overstimulation. The part of my brain that still tried to hold on to my faith in God and my familys' love in me told me this was wrong. I was supposed to be celibate, and even though we hadn't had sex last night, that didn't mean we weren't going to. In fact, if they'd asked me if I was ready in the middle of our Tucker playing me like a piano I'd have probably said yes with no hesitation. In fact, it wasn't until I'd realized just how correct they were in calling me innocent that I felt I wasn't ready.

I wanted to do some research, as stupid as that sounded. I had my phone from Anna and Aldric, so I could do said research later tonight after everyone went to bed. Before I'd had the phone I'd had no way of doing something so bold. Thinking of my best friend made me smile.

Her wedding is tomorrow, and I can't wait. I'm so glad Aldric came into her life, no matter how odd they were introduced. It seemed we were both in a weird pradicament. I was craving a relationship, a monogomous relationship at that, with two men. I say two men, but my mind never lets me forget they are brothers- twins, no less. This is all kinds of fucked up by societies standards. Yet, society can go fuck itself. My whole life is fucked up by societies standards.

My inner sassy Sasha applaused my growth. When this had first all started I'd questioned if any of this was right, even when I knew it was wrong, but now I didn't care. I had felt what it was like to be completely captivated, and I wasn't giving that up for anyone. Religion and asshole parents be damned.

"What I would do to know what goes on in that pretty little head of yours." My coworker, and someone I had known to call a friend, Ashton laughed, slipping her notepad into her apron. It seemed I'd lost track of time, because as I looked up the last few customers for the night were piling out the front door. "You've been out of it all day, hon. Wanna talk about it?"

For a second I wondered if she could only read me so well because we'd gotten to know each other as friends, but the other part of me was scared that I was just that easy to read. Could my parents see right through me? I quickly pushed that thought away. If they could see right through me I'd have already been questioned and taken for a purity test.

Just the thought of that dreadful test send goosebumps peppering down my arms. I hated that damn thing, and I couldn't even begin to explain to you why. If you'd ever had to get one done than you'd understand.

"There's just a bunch of new things going on in my life, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all." There, that was truthful enough. It's not that I didn't want to talk to her about the twins, but was it a good idea to bring that stuff up at work and risk tainting my relationship with these people? God only knows how stressful that could be if she thought ill of what we were doing.

"I hear you there girl." Ashton giggled, flipping her black hair back over her shoulder. "I've been seeing this new guy, and let me tell you, I'm so happy I let my inhibitions fade away. Poor guys got a kid with a crazy baby mama. The kids adorable, though, and his dad is infatuated with me. In the end I made the right choice." I smiled at the thought of seeing Ashton as a stepmom. It wasn't hard to see. She was sweet and caring, and always put others before herself. To top all of that off the girl was one of those people you'd see walking in town and yearn to look like. She was the definition of beautiful, with not a hair ever out of place. Most of the time I wondered why she was waitressing at this dingy little cafe, and not pursuing a model career. If anyone could do it Ashton could.

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