Chapter 4

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Marta Vieira Da Silva felt troubled and misunderstood, as she walked along the dim hallway of the hotel that her new team, the All-Stars, was staying at.

She wished that she could go back to her Brazilian team and just focus on them, where everyone understood her.

By this, Marta meant two things:

1. Understand what she's saying through her thick Brazilian accent.

And 2. Understand what she's been through, and understand why she's the way that she is now.

Marta hastily opened her hotel room door, slamming it shut behind her.

"Who's here?" She demanded.

"That would be Kadeisha Buchanan," The Canadian girl stepped out in front of Marta.

"Oh! You're the girl that thinks that she's so tough," Marta remarked.

"Excuse me?" Kadeisha said, narrowing her eyes, and crossing her arms.

"I'm pretty sure you heard me," Marta said, as she tossed her bags onto the nearest bed.

"Hey! That's my bed!" Kadeisha said.

"Not anymore," Marta said with a smirk.

Kadeisha scowled, "Whatever. I'm leaving,"

"Suit yourself," Marta said under her breath.

But what nobody knew was that after Kadeisha left, few tears were shed.


"Um, excuse me, but, are you Stephanie Labbé?" Shelina Zadorsky asked the Canadian goalkeeper. She had been wandering all over the hotel in search of her roommate, who hadn't arrived at the hotel yet.

"Yeah! Are you...Shelina? Shelina Za...Za...Zaderskee? Stephanie asked with trouble, "I'm so sorry if I pronounced that wrong," she added, embarrassed.

"It's Zadorsky, and nah, don't worry about it," Shelina cracked a smile.

"Well, the list said that we're roommates," Stephanie said.

"Yeah! I've already put my things away, but I can come with you to check out the room.....I mean, only if you want me to," Shelina added on quickly.

"Sure!" Stephanie said.

The two girls made their way to the hotel room, and walked inside.

"Here, let me help you with your bags," Shelina said.

As Shelina grabbed the bags, her hand gently brushed across Stephanie's, causing Stephanie to shiver.

"Whoops! Sorry about that," Shelina said, her cheeks red.

"It's...okay," Stephanie smirked.

"'ll let you get packing! Hopefully I'll see you soon!" Shelina said awkwardly.

"Well...we're in the same room" Stephanie laughed.

"Right, right, well, see you around," Shelina said quickly, before turning on her heels.

Stephanie smirked.

"I like this Shelina girl," She thought to herself.

"You know what? I think that this is going to be a great season,"

But she definitely wasn't ready for the troubles to come.
So this will be the last chapter where the characters POV talks about entering their room, and meeting their roommate, and blah blah blah. I know that I didn't talk about everyone, but they will be in the book soon. For now, it's time for some drama😈 Also, the chapters will be longer.

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