Chapter 9

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Janine Beckie and Rachel Daly made their way up the long, dark, staircase.

"This is so messed up...we're a team! We're not supposed to hear people screaming and calling for help!" Janine whispered harshly at the blonde Brit.

"Tell me about it. We're here to play football, and nothing more," Rach replied, her accent shining through.

They continued the strenuous climb, all the way up to the top flight of stairs, where the teams rooms were located. They began searching for Kadeisha's room.

"Dang...I should have asked someone for her room number...should we go back down-" Rachel was cut off by a very annoyed Janine.

"No way. I'm not climbing those stairs again," Janine huffed.

"Come on, it's not that bad. We're professional soccer players. It's easy," Rachel retorted, crossing her arms while smirking at Janine.

"Excuse me, but I'm Canada we do tons of hard work for soccer...that's more than I can say for you," Janine snapped.

"Okay. I get if you want to be rude, but when somebody stars offending my home country, that's where I draw the line," Rachel said, furious.

"Yeah, yeah...whatever...SHH!" Janine grabbed Rachel's arm, dragging her behind a vending machine.

"What the hell Janine, let go of me!" Rachel hissed.

"SHH! Just trust me, okay?" Janine whispered.

"Trust you? You're the last person that I would trust, after you just insulted my country!"

Janine whipped her hand out, and covered the Brit's mouth.

"Don't speak...this is a life or death situation," Janie said, staring into Rachel's eyes.

"The hell, Janine! Stop it! You're starting to scare me," Rachel admitted.


Rachel turned her head so that she was facing Janine.

"What was tha-"

"Shh! Here she comes!" Janine whispered, closing her eyes.

"Here who comes?" Rachel asked, a confused look plastered upon her face.


Marta suddenly walked by.

"What's wrong with Marta? She's just walking past us?" Rachel whispered to Janine.

"Look at what she's carrying,"

Rachel peered over the side of the vending machine, trying to sneak a glance at Marta, and what she was supposedly holding.

It appeared to be a person.

"Oh my god..." Rachel started breathing heavily, "is that Kadeisha? Kadeisha Buchanan?"

"You mean the dead person that Marta is dragging down the hallway? Yep. That would be Kadeisha Buchanan. Former soccer player," Janine rolled her eyes.

"How did you know?" Rachel asked with curiosity. She was still slightly shaking from the shocking mess of what Marta had been doing.

"Really? You didn't see it coming? Come on, Marta has hated Kadeisha ever since they met. And knowing Marta, she was bound to fo something. She's a dangerous girl, that Marta. Stay away from her,"

"Well, duh! She murdered somebody!" Rachel snapped.

"Good observation,"

"Shut get my point," Rachel sighed.

Janine smirked.

"It's fun to make you mad,"

Rachel sighed.

"Look, now isn't the time to be fooling around. Something weird is going on, and we need to figure it out," Rachel complied, stepping out from behind the vending machine.

Janine followed, "whatever you say, Rach,"

The two girls made their way back down the flight of stairs, a plan forming in their minds.

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