Chapter 16

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The bright lights lit up the sky in front of me, forcing me to push myself to get there.

Man, I've never been more happy to see a Walmart sign in my entire life.

Gasping and panting, Rachel and Janine sprinted through the doors of the Walmart.

The shopping-cart lady gave them a quizzical look.

"Er...may I help you?"

"Just taking a midnight jog," Janine said.

"...well if there's anything that you need help with, just ask me," the woman said, before turning around and making her way to the employees-only room.

As soon as she was out of sight, Janine turned to Rachel,

"So what do we do now?"

Rachel laughed.

"What's so funny?" Janine asked, slightly cocking her head to the side.

Rachel just shook her head.

"We have no idea where Marta is, or what she's planning. Our best bet would be to stay here overnight, and contact the police in the morning,"

"We can't contact the police! There's no way they'll believe us! Marta is a pro soccer player. And besides, we've got no evidence," Janine pointed out.

Rachel frowned,

"You're right...well then we'll just have to find our way back to the hotel, I guess,"

The two girls sighed.

Being a professional soccer player wasn't supposed to be this confusing.


"Has anyone seen Rachel, Janine, or Marta?" Stephanie suddenly asked.

"Nope," everyone replied.

"They've been gone for an hour...something must be wrong,"

"Lighten up, Steph," Tobin said, giving Stephanie a few hard pats on the back.

"Sorry...sorry," Stephanie mumbled, looking down at her empty plate.

"Too many scary movies, huh?" Sam asked with a laugh.

"Speaking of scary movies," Tobin began, "I say we watch one tonight,"

Choruses of, "yeah!" And "awesome!" Were heard among the group of girls.

And so, it was decided. The team paid for their meals, grabbed their stuff, and hailed a few taxis back towards the hotel.

Everyone seemed to have forgotten about Janine, Rachel, and Marta.

Everyone except for Stephanie.

"You okay?" Shelina asked Stephanie.

"Yeah..." Steph replied with a yawn, "just kinda worried about Rachel, Janine, and Marta,"

Shelina signed, and placed a hand on Stephanie's leg, "they probably just went back to the hotel. I'm sure they're fine,"

Stephanie gave her a warm smile.

"I love you, Shelina,"

"I love you too, Steph,"

The two fell asleep in the taxi, Shelina's head resting on Steph's shoulder.

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