Chapter 5

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The head coach of the All-Stars, Jill Ellis, called the team to attention.

"As you already know, I chose you girls because you are some of the best players from the best national teams," she began.

"Well obviously Sweden is one of the best," Olivia Schough said under her breath.

Shelina rolled her eyes, "keep telling yourself that,"

"And so I expect everyone to get along nicely," Coach Jill said, shooting a glance at Shelina.

"She started it," Shelina said, pointing at Olivia.

"You guys are acting like you're five," Janine retorted.

"Yeah...please continue, Coach Jill," Christine Sinclair said.

"As I was saying, I expect everyone to get along nicely, and to stay away from drama. That is the last thing we need on this team," Jill continued.

Unfortunately for Jill, that was going to be beyond impossible.

Once the meeting finished, Jill approached Marta, a serious look on her face.

"Marta, I need to speak with you," she said.

"Okay?" Marta said.

Marta followed Jill into her room, and sat down on a big, comfy chair.

"So...did I do something wrong?" Marta asked.

Jill let out an exasperated sigh.

"A member of the team approached me today with a complaint. About you,"

"Figures," Marta muttered.

"What was that?" Jill asked.

"Nothing," Marta quickly replied.

"Anyways...this person claims that you were being a shall I put this...mean? Yes, mean to them," Jill finished.

Marta just sat there for a minute, until she finally spoke;

"You've got no proof,"

"Excuse me?" Jill replied.

"I said you've got no proof that I was being "mean"," Marta said sarcastically.

"Look, Marta..."

"No! No "look Marta," I am freaking sick and tired of everyone assuming that I'm the one who did something wrong!" Marta yelled.

"Marta, I don't think tha-" Jill was cut off.

"No, Jill," Marta said, staring her right in the eye, "you do,"

Marta got up out of her chair, and headed towards the door.

"Marta! Wait," Jill tried to grab her arm, but she had already slammed the door shut behind her, and headed back to her hotel room.

"So that idiot, Kadeisha told on me? What a loser! she's gonna get it once I get back," Marta thought to herself.


"Wanna come hang out in my room?" Janine asked Tobin.

"I'd love to, but Meghan just invited me out for dinner," Tobin said, "maybe another time though!"

"Yeah...another time..." Janine said sulkily.

"Well, I've gotta go get ready...see ya around!" Tobin called, jogging off to her room.

"I'll definitely see you around," "very, very soon," Janine thought, a plan forming in her head.

Just then, Meghan walked down the hallway.

Janie turned.

"Ah! Meghan! You're just the person I was looking for!" Janine said, a fake smile spread across her face.

"I am?" Meghan asked with confusion.

"Oh yes. You definitely are,"
___________________________What are your favourite ships/pairings/friendships so far?

And there will be no updates for the next two days so I updated twice today.

Your welcome :)

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