Chapter 7

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As soon as Meghan walked back to her room, Janine quickly texted Tobin.

"Hey, Meghan forgets where you two are going out for dinner tonight...would you be able to tell me so that I can remind her?" Janine texted.

A few minutes later, a reply from Tobin popped up on the screen.

"Why can't Meghan text me herself lol?"

"Uh oh," Janine thought. She quickly typed a reply, and clicked send before she even had time to regret it.

"She dropped it on the floor and it's broken now,"

It Tobin a few minutes to reply, but eventually she came through.

"We're going to The Keg down on Main Street at 6:00,"

"Awesome...I'll tell her now," Janine replied.

But Janine wasn't going to tell Meghan.

Because for all Meghan knew, Tobin wasn't feeling well.

"Lucky for Tobin, she had an even better best friend who was going to join her," Janine thought to herself, as she zipped up her jacket, and headed outside.

It had been a pretty crapy day - pouring rain with a freezing cold wind. Our first All-Stars practice was cancelled, but Janine didn't really mind.

As soon as the Keg came into sight, she sped up her walking. As she opened the front door, Janine was greeted by a gust of warm air.

"May I help you?" A lady asked Janine.

"Nah...I'm good bro," Janine replied with a grin.

"Um...okay...bro," the lady said, confused.

Janine surveyed the room of people.

"Not Tobin, not Tobin, not Tobin, definitely not Tobin, not Tobin, not Tobin...Tobin!" Janine said under her breath.

She slowly walked in the direction of Tobin's table, pretending not to know where she was going.

It made Janine sad to see how disappointed Tobin looked. Her lip was quivering, and her eyes were slightly wet.

Janine could see Tobin's eyes travelling around the room. It was only a matter of seconds before she would spot Janine, so Janine quickly looked the other way.


And there it was.

"Tobin? Hey! Wait...where's Meghan?"

"H-here...come sit down, and I'll...t-tell you," Tobin said, her voice shaky.

Janine smirked, as she sat down at the table, right across from Tobin. She could see her perfectly. And she had to admit, it was a nice view.

"She promised to be here at exactly it's 6:45 and she still isn't h-here," Tobin said quietly.

"Awe, Tobs," Janine said, fake pouting, "always remember that I will be here for you. I'd never stand you up like that," Janine said.

"Thanks Janine. You're the mist amazing friend that anyone could ask for," Tobin replied, a weak smile on her face.

"Awe thanks're a great...friend...too," Janie said, frowning when she got to the word "friend," Was that all that Tobin thought of Janine? Did she just think that they were friends?

Tobin suddenly sighed.

"You okay?" Janine said, snapping out of her thoughts.

"No...not's just..." she took a deep breath, "even though Meghan stood me up like this, and made me feel so awful...I still have feelings for her," Tobin confessed.

"Oh...that's...interesting," Janine said, gripping the table cloth with such force that she ripped it.

"Dude! Be careful!" Tobin laughed.

"Hah! Yeah...I'll be careful...."

"You know who better be careful?" Janine thought,


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