Chapter 6

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"Stephanie, Shelina?" Coach Jill Ellis called.

"Yes, coach?" The two girls replied in unison.

"You two seem to be very trustworthy...would you be able to complete a task for me?" Jill asked.

"Yeah, of course!" Shelina replied.

"Okay!" Stephanie nodded.

"I seem to have left the clipboard with the papers of my starting lineup in the office...would you two be able to quickly grab it for me?" She asks.

"Sure," Stephanie nods, grabbing Shelina's arm.

Stephanie pulls Shelina part way down the hallway, just until Jill is out of sight.

"Do you understand what this means? We have a chance to sneak a look at the starting lineup!" Stephanie whispers closely in Shelina's ear.

"You're right! But why wouldn't she have Carli and Christine get her the clipboard? I mean, aren't they the captains?" Shelina says with a confused look.

"Who cares about that! Let's go read the papers!" Stephanie says excitingly. She begins jogging down the hall, while Shelina stays put.

"Aren't you coming?" Stephanie calls. Shelina doesn't reply, so Steph races back towards her, grabbing her hand.

And the truth was, Shelina just stayed put so that she could feel Steph's hand one more time.

The girls walked along the musky hallways, until they reached a big brown door labeled, "office,"

"Are you sure that this is the office?" Stephanie asked.

"It says office right on it, you goof," Shelina laughs.

"Whoops," Stephanie says.

Shelina unlocks the door using the key that Coach Jill gave them.

They stepped inside.

"Woah, it's small in here," Stephanie says.

"Shh! Do you hear that?" Shelina whispers.

"Hear what?"

Shelina stands underneath one of the lightbulbs.

"I think it's this," she says, pointing to it.

"But why would a lightbulb be making nois-" Stephanie was cut off by the a buzzing sound.

Suddenly, everything was black.

"Great, the powers out!" Stephanie says sarcastically.

"Yeah...wait, where are you?" Shelina asks.

"Here, I'll try and walk towards you," Stephanie says.

"Okay, but be careful, there's glass on the ground from the lightbulb,"

"Don't worry, I'll be careful," Steph says, as she slowly begins to make her way to where she think Shelina is. It was pitch black, and extremely hard to see.

"I think...I'm...almost there," Stephanie says, shuffling along the floor.

"Awesome! I just found a flash-"

Suddenly, Stephanie hits something, and falls forward with a thud.

"Ow," she mumbles.


Suddenly a flashlight flickers in Stephanie's eyes.

Shelina was underneath her.

Stephanie was lying on top of Shelina.

"Oh man, I'm so sorry," Stephanie says, embarrassed. She scrambles to get up.

Shelina laughs, "it's fine...don't even worry about it,"

Stephanie smirks.

"Oh, I won't,"


Meanwhile, Janine and Meghan are still talking in the hallway.

"Why am I the person that you're looking for?" Meghan asks with a  confused look on her face.

"well, you see, Tobin wanted me to tell you that she has to cancel your plans tonight. She isn't feeling very well," Janine lies.

"But I thought-"

"Sorry, but you thought wrong," Janine cuts her off.

"Oh. Okay, thanks for telling me," Meghan says, as she walks back to the lobby.

Janine smiles.

"Mission accomplished," she mutters under her breath.

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