Chapter 12

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Today was the first official practice of the All-Stars, and everyone was there. Well, everyone but Kadeisha.

"Where's Kadeisha?" Christine barked.

"Geez, chill...I thought you were supposed to be Canadian," Marta snickered.

"Honestly, Marta...I swear, if you don't shut up-" Janine began.

"Guys!" Carli called everyone to attention, "let's get to practice,"

The team began practicing, but nobody was really into it. Balls were flying across the field, and they were playing sloppily.

"What is this?" Carli sighed.

"What are you..." Marta breathed.

"Fuck off, Marta," Janine yelled.

Everyone froze.

"Janine, leave," Carli pointed towards the hotel.

"Oh come on, Carli," Janine whined.

"Nope, I've heard enough," Carli fired back, crossing her arms.

Rachel slowly looked back and fourth between Janine and Carli. She knew what she had to do.

"I did it..." Rachel said, emerging from the huddle of girls.

Carli looked surprised, "fine...then leave,"

With a curt nod, the Brit walked off, leaving Janine with an open mouth.


"Honestly, there is something seriously wrong with this team," Christine said to Carli, as they walked back to the change room.

"I should've known...mixing a bunch of players from a bunch of teams is a terrible idea," she grumbled.

"Tell me about it,"

The two girls walked along the musty hotel hallways, though it didn't compare to the sweaty smell that had filled the practice room that morning.

They finally approached Christine's room.

"Catch ya later, Carli," Christine called, inserting her room card into the small slot.

But as Christine closed the door, she could've sworn she heard a scream.

"What the...," she thought.

She decided to go and check out, which she knew was probably a bad idea, as would anyone that watches horror movies.

Creeping around the corner, she peered over the ledge.


"Well that was strange," Christine thought to herself. She had definitely heard something.

But what was that something?

"Forget it," Christine mumbled, heading back over to her room, "it's probably just my imagination,"

She entered her room again, to have a peaceful nights sleep.

But little did she know, that the case of the mysterious scream had been right behind her the whole time.
Haven't updated in forever...sorry lol😂 I'll try to be more consistent.

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