Chapter 15

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The All-Stars ended up winning 5-2 against the SS Sparks, with a hatrick from Janine, a goal by Sam, and another goal by Tobin, which was ironically assisted by Meghan. Afterwards, the team all met at You Had Me At Pizza for a celebration.

"Pepperoni or cheese?" Stephanie asked Shelina.

"Whatever you want," Shelina smiled and shrugged.

"Speaking of cheese..." Janine interrupted, "can we talk about that little thing that happened between you two before the game today?" She raised her eyebrows.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Stephanie said, keeping a straight face.

"And what does that have to do with cheese?" asked Shelina.

"Um...because kissing is cheesy?" Janine shrugged. The whole team burst into laughter.

"Just wait until you find that special person, Janine," Tobin said wisely, casting a glance at Meghan, which made Janine want to throw up.

"Maybe," she whispered, "I already have,"

"What was that?" Rachel asked, taking a bite of garlic bread.

"Oh nothing...I'm just really hungry..." Janine said with a smirk, reaching for a piece of garlic bread.

The team ordered the pizza, and Stephanie offered to pay for everyone.

Suddenly, a ringing nose could be heard.

"I'll be right back," Marta said, whipping her phone out and scurrying away from the table.

"Hey, Janine, can I talk to you for a sec?" Rachel asked Janine, raising her eyebrows slightly.

He two got up form the table, and Rachel led Janine in the direction that Marta was headed.

"What do you want, Rach? I was peacefully eating my pizza," Janine said.

"Well guess what, Janine, there are more important things than pizza!" Rachel said.

"Fine...but what do you want?"

"Well," began Rachel, "I want to spy on Marta,"

"What? Why?" Janine asked.

Rachel sighed, and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the empty bathroom that Marta had gone into.

"Remember when we saw Marta with Kadeisha's dead body?!" Rachel asked.

"Oh yeah..." Janine said.

The two girls stealthily tiptoed in, and Rachel pressed her ear against the stall door. Faint whispers could be heard from inside.

"They know, K," Marta's voice said.

"Who's K?" Janine mouthed to Rachel.

Rachel shrugged.

"It's Daly and Beckie...the annoying one,"

Rachel's eyes went wide, "Janine, we need to get out of here," she whispered.

"Who said that?" Marta shouted from inside the stall. She began to open it.

"Uhh...nobody?" Janine offered.

"Run," Rachel whispered.

The two girls quickly turned, twisting the doorknob as fast as they could.

With Marta on their heels, they had never run that fast. Pushing past servers, and other customers, they ran out the door.

"Where are we even going?" Janine cried.

"Follow me," Rachel screamed back, dodging past a pedestrian on the street.

It was dark, and cold, and they wanted to stop running, but neither girl dared to look behind her, for fear of what might be waiting.

The sign of a Walmart could be seen in the distance.

"Let's go in there," Rachel suggested.

They approached the Walmart just moments later, seeking protection from the weather, and Marta.

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