Chapter 13

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Christine woke up the next morning, refreshed and recharged. Checking her phone, she noticed that she had a message.

Yo did you hear that creepy noise last night?

The message was from Tobin. Was she talking about the noise that caused Christine to have that strange encounter the night before?

Yeah...wonder what it was?? Christine replied with.

I'm not sure...let's talk more at breakfast...okay?


Christine pressed send and turned her phone off, throwing it across the room.

Why couldn't life be more simple?

Whatever. She knew that she needed to get cleaned up and meet the team at breakfast, so she hopped up from her bed, and headed to the bathroom for a shower.

About 25 minutes later, she was finished getting ready, so she stepped onto the elevator, and descended down to the bottom floor.

"Hey Sincy," Tobin patted the seat next to her, motioning for Christine to come and sit with her.

"Hey Tobin," Christine nodded, giving a small smile.

Tobin was about to speak, before Jill barged into the room.

She cleared her throat: "may I have your attention please!"

Everyone stopped talking, and turned to look at Jill.

"I just got off the phone with one of the coaches of the SS Sparks, and we have arranged a friendly for 6:30 today! So hurry up and eat, because we've got training to do," Jill instructed, before spinning in her heel, and exiting the cafeteria.

"SS Sparks? What kind of name is that?" Janine snorted.

"No idea...but doesn't it seem a little early for a friendly? I mean, we just had our first practice yesterday..." Meghan pointed out.

"It's perfectly normal, Meghan..." Janine said hottily, "you'd know if you were a true soccer player," she added under her breath.

Meghan just looked down.

The table of girls was silent for quite some time, before Shelina spoke up.

"I'm feeling some...I don't know...tension? Between us..." she said slowly, "we should try and get along if we want to do well in this league,"

Still silence.

"...or not...just an idea," Shelina said, a goofy smile on her face.

"Aha! Weirdo," Stephanie laughed, and playfully swatted Shelina's shoulder.

"Well said, Shelina. That's a great idea," Carli stood up.

"I second that," Janine said, raising a hand.

"To the All-Stars?" Sam said, sticking an arm out.

Everyone piled their hands on top of Sam's.

"To the All-Stars," they yelled in unison, before charging out of the cafeteria to god-knows-where.

It's a pretty amazing thing in life, isn't it? When everything just fits.

That was the All-Stars at that moment.

Too bad it didn't last.

The worst was only beginning.

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