Chapter One: "Why are we only 29?"

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It was the end of May. Classes are approaching. You are sad but excited at the same time. Of course, going to see your best friends, meeting new friends and, of course, end of your summer vacation. Tons of homework and projects will come, less time in your social life because you need to study. Everything will change.

Days passed, June came. It was your first day being a freshman. You woke up really early. While you are eating your breakfast, you can’t help but to think of your classmates. How they look like now? Did they change? Are they still the same? Many questions in your mind.  It can only be answered when you go to school

At school, you immediately saw your best friends, Nicole and Claire. You hugged them very tight.

You: Guys, *hugs* I miss you so much!

Claire: We miss you too! Right, Nicole?

Nicole: Yes! How’s your vacation (YN)?

You: It was really great! I spent most of the time online to chat with my friends!

You spent your free time talking a lot of things with them. Until… *bell rings*

You: Oh come one! Let’s go to our classroom! Mrs Hernandez might be there.

Claire: Okay.

Nicole: Let’s go.

Three of you headed to your classroom. And then…

Teacher: Okay. Introduce yourself in front.

All of you introduce yourself in front. After that…

Teacher: Oh, and class, by the way, all of you are total of 30. 30 freshman students.

You: *counts your entire classmates, realizing you were only 29. You raised your hand* Ma’am, but why are we only 29 here? Right now?

Teacher: Oh, we have a transferee. They said he’ll be here after a few weeks.

You: But why? Classes already started.

Teacher: Because he came from Oklahoma, United States.

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