Chapter Fifteen: "Sometimes, I wish I can be a gardener."

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On your way home, you still think of the things happened between you and Greyson. Well, who doesn’t if you were in her situation? Greyson is very sweet. You can’t stop smiling all the way home.

And then as you reached your home, the heavy rain stopped already. Your mom is waiting for you and carrying a towel if in case you got wet.

You: Mom, I’m here.

Mom: Oh hi sweetie. Your uniform got wet.

You: Yea.

Mom: Go on change your clothes; eat your early dinner and then do your school work in your room.

You: Thank you Mom.

So, after changing you clothes, you immediately went downstairs and ate what’s on the table. Then your mom asked you…

Mom: How’s school?

You: It was great.

Mom: Good to hear. So, what does it feel like having a foreigner classmate? *smiles*

You: Greyson Chance? The Oklahoma boy? *smiles*

Mom: What happened:

You: He’s great. Actually, my teacher assigned me to be his governess.

Mom: Oh. Great news, I guess. What subjects are you going to teach him?

You: The entire major subject, especially Filipino.

Mom: Oh. That’s great. I wonder if you and he will be close. Hmmmm, what will happen? *smiles*

You: Mom?! What are you trying to say?

Mom: Nothing. *laughs* Go finish it and go to your room, do your assignments.

You: Okay I will.

Why was your mom like that? You wonder what your mom was trying to tell you. Does she want you to have a relationship with a foreigner? Wow, incredible. At the age of 13 your mom wants you to have a boyfriend. Nah, you don’t want it though.

As you finished eating, you went to your room to start doing your school works. So, as you went there, you immediately get the books from your bag. After a few minutes doing them, you remember that you should write some Filipino vocabularies for him, for Greyson. And then…

You: *on your mind* Greyson Chance. The first guy to make butterflies interrupt my stomach. *smiles* He never failed making me smile with everything he does to me, so far. No wonder I have a crush on him now. I just wish he won’t break my heart, if ever… if ever this crush will fade and turn into… love.

After that, you decided to turn on your laptop and open your Facebook and Twitter account. As you open your Facebook account, there’s one friend request. It was Greyson, it was Greyson Chance. You can’t stop smiling when you saw it. And then of course, you’ll click the “accept” button. After a few minutes of scrolling up and down, Greyson was online and he chatted you.

-Chat box-

Greyson: Hi (YN), good evening. (:

You: Hi Greyson, good evening. 

Greyson: How are you, my angel?

You: I’m fine. Thanks. How about you? Wait, could you please stop calling me your angel?

Greyson: Glad that my angel’s fine. So, what do you want me to call you? Mrs. Chance? Haha!

You: No, just call me by my name. 

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