Chapter Thirty-Five: "Nothing's change."

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You’re being so fearless and confident that time. See? You’re about to tell Greyson things he doesn’t know. But of course, you’ll need to tell him about it privately. Guards are walking around the quadrangle.

You: Can I tell you things you don’t know?
Greyson: Of course. Yea sure.
You: Uhm, can we talk about it in, maybe in our room?
Greyson: Why not here? We’re alone.
You: As you can see, guards are roaming around.
Greyson: Is it that private?
You: Yes.
Greyson: So we need to go to a private place?
You: Yes.
Greyson: And do…
You: Stop asking more questions. Let’s go to our room.
Greyson: Well, okay. I trust you.
You: Good. Come on.

As both of you were walking up stairs and walking in the hall, you keep on thinking what you will say to him. You’re getting yourself prepared for whatever hurtful he say, if ever. You’re also preparing because you know that tears of yours will show. Waterworks might go overflowing. But still, you have to be fearless and speak on what’s inside you. Unless you want yourself to be hurt again and again. And, this is your one and only chance to tell him the truth. No backing up. This is it. Whatever happens to both of you after confessing, at least you have tried to tell him so. On the other side, you’re wishing that everything will go on your way.

Greyson: So, we’re here.
You: *sighs and whispers* This is it.
Greyson: What are you saying?
You: Nothing.
Greyson: So, what are you gonna tell me?
You: Uh, how can I put and start this…
Greyson: You’re fearless, right? Go.
You: First of all, when did you start courting Bea?
Greyson: Uhm, few weeks ago?
You: Sure?
Greyson: I dunno.
You: Why do you like her?
Greyson: She’s beautiful and kind.
You: Why did you court her?
Greyson: Uhm, *coughs* because like what I said earlier, she’s beautiful and kind.
You: Is she special to you?
Greyson: *gulps* Y-yea.
You: Do you love her?
Greyson: Why are you asking me these?!

Finally, he asked for it. Now it’s your time to tell him the truth. On how you feel for him, on how your heart always breaks when you see him with Bea.

You: I love you.
Greyson: Huh? What do you mean?

And then, as you expected, a tear streamed down your face. Continuously.  Your hand forms into a roll and your heart beats so fast.

You: I love you Greyson. Ever since you started doing sweet things to me, I suddenly fall in love with you. Ever since I love you, I can’t stop thinking about you. You keep on running in my mind. Butterflies are always in my stomach whenever you kiss me. Your hug always sends chills through my whole body, to my arms, legs to all the tips of my being. Whenever you look at me for only someone knows how long, you manage to make my heart melt. And I love the way you don’t put or exert so much effort but you always makes me fall in love with you all over again. And now, *sniffs* you’re courting Bea. I don’t know what happened to you. I miss you. I miss the old Greyson who always calling me Sweetheart and not by my name. I miss Greyson who always kisses my forehead for good luck instead of just tapping my shoulders. I miss Greyson who always compliment me to lessen my nervousness. I miss the old you. I miss the old Greyson Chance.

And then, after confessing all of your feelings towards him, Greyson keeps on walking towards you. You feel so nervous. You don’t know what will be his reaction. As you step backwards, he goes closer. Until you step back in the wall. Then he put his arms in the side of your shoulders. You were caught off guard.

Greyson: *chuckles*
You: Is that all of your reaction?!
Greyson: I love you too.
You: What?!

Again, he chuckled.

Greyson: I love you too. Ever since we saw each other at the locker room, my heart beat so fast. My hands are becoming sweaty. Then suddenly I approached you. Why? Because I wanna know you. I wanna be with you. I like you. I love you ever since. Then I found out that you’ll be my classmate. I feel like I’m the happiest boy on Earth. The happiest day of my life, I guess. Then our teacher assigned you to be my governess. After teaching me things you know, it made me more even in love with you because you’re simply amazing. You’re so smart. Then after you sang in the Miting De Avance, you made me in love more. You’re so talented. And, I don’t know. I can’t add more. Everything you do always amaze me. Everything you say always captivate me. I know it’s funny but I felt what you felt on me. Butterflies interrupt my stomach. When my hands touch your skin, it always sends me chills all over my body, even in all of the tips of my being. And whatever you do, even just a simple thing, you manage to make my heart skip a beat. Nothing’s change. Whatever happens to the air, to the land, to the sea, to the ocean, to my life, to your life, to our friends’ life, I don’t care. As long as I know to myself that I love you. I still love you. I love you, (YN), my angel, Sweetheart. *putting your hair in the back of your ears*

Well, as expected, waterworks showed up.

You: *tears* You love me? *tears then smile* I can’t believe it. You feel the same way to me?
Greyson: *pinches your cheek* Believe it now, Sweetheart.
You: Wait, if you love me, what is this courting-Bea scene?
Greyson: I asked her to feign that I’m courting her. *chuckles*
You: What?! You asked her to feign? To pretend? Why? Are you trying to make me jealous?
Greyson: No. I asked her because I think if we pretend, you’re going to realized that you feel the same way to me. You’re going to realize that I’m the one who’s meant for you. I want you to realize to yourself that you love me whatever happens.
You: Oh. Wow. Well, it’s… it’s effective. You even made me confess my love for you.
Greyson: I guess. *hugs* Aaahhh, I miss hugging you Sweetheart.
You: *pulls away* You’re such a jerk. *laughs*
Greyson: Now that we already know our feelings for each other, I can’t call you ’sweetheart’ anymore. *hands in your cheek*
You: Huh? What, why?
Greyson: Cause from now on, I’m going to call you ‘mine.’
You: Aww. You belong with me and I’m yours. *laughs* I lov...

Before you even continue what you’re saying, he cut you off with a kiss. He put his lips to yours. He pressed his lips to your lips. Both of your lips met for the first time. You and Greyson just shared your first kiss. Both of you felt so amazing. Both of you felt the sparks flying higher as both of your lips are syncing every second. Your heart beats so fast like it never experience before. It was very different. You don’t even know if your and his lips are fever hot or icy cold. That first sparkling kiss makes your feelings stir up and very hot inside. That feeling inside you makes you want more. That kiss was very incomparable, extraordinary, unique and indescribable. It was very sensational, passionate and fearless.

Greyson: *pulls away* Aww, my baby’s blushing.
You: Oh-of course. We’ve just shared our first kiss.
Greyson: You have the softest lips. *laughs*
You: I love you.
Greyson: I love you more.
You: I love you most.
Greyson: I love you more than you know.
You: But I love…
Greyson: Shhh, *puts pointy finger on your lips* I love you to infinity and beyond. *gives you a smack on the lips then hugs*

Then, he hugged you so tight like he has never hug a girl in his life before. He buried his face in your hair. You felt his warm breathe and his lips in your neck. You felt his warm hug. You feel like you’re connected to him. The hug is so tight that you can even hear and feel his heart beat saying he love you so much more than any other girl out there. That very tight hug signifies one thing: he really loves you and doesn’t want to let you go. Whatever happens, he’s there to protect you from any harm, from any disaster might come. You felt so comfortable with his arm, with his hug because you’re confident that you’re not the first one to let go. 

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