Chapter Thirty-Four: "Can I tell you things you don't know?

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Two weeks, fourteen days have passed. Everything in your field demo practice is going well. Together with it, your heart is still broken and experiencing it all over again. Because Bea keeps on talking about Greyson, how is he courting her, and how she loves him so much every time you and Bea are talking during the practice. Sometimes, you can’t take it anymore so you don’t listen to her. You’re becoming deaf because of her. But not literally. And then after hard work in field demo while your heart is broken, today is the day you’ll perform the field demo. School has decided to do it in the quadrangle, because everyone thinks it’s big enough. They also set the demo at 2:00 PM. So, before 2:00 you should be there.

You went at school at around 1:30 OM. There are a lot of people. Getting ready for the programme. You saw the members of Red team in the left side so you went there. And you sat beside Bea.

You: Hi Bea.

Bea: Hello (YN)!

You: You ready?

Bea: Of course.

You: You’re all prepared! Too much excitement, huh?

Bea: Yes! *laughs*

You: Me too.

Bea: Are you nervous?

You: Kinda. This is my first field demo.

Bea: Don’t be. It will go well.

You: I hope so.

Bea: Of course.

You: How about you?

Bea: Nope. Just chilling. *laughs*

You: How? *laughs*

Bea: I got two reasons.

You: Mind telling me?

Bea: First, this isn’t my first field demo, so I know how it goes.

You: Oh. The next one?

Bea: *blushes* Greyson will watch.

You: O-oh. Y-yea.

Bea: He sent me a message. He said he’ll watch.

You: Great. So, where is he?

And then…

Greyson: *arrives* Hi ladies!

Bea: Hi Babe!

You: Hi Grey.

Greyson: Are you guys ready?

Bea: Since last night. *laughs*

Greyson: How about you, (YN)?

You: Nervous. As always.

Greyson: Don’t be. You can do it. *taps your shoulder*

Bea: Relax (YN)!

Greyson: By the way Babe, can we talk?

Bea: Yea sure.

You: Y-yea sure.

As they left, you can’t help but to think what just happened. Bea called Greyson ‘babe’ and vice versa?! Like, seriously? And, she’s confident because Greyson is here?! You’re like tear apart. You miss Greyson. His sweet doings, everything about him. Like he always kiss your forehead for good luck, complimenting you to remove your nervousness. Most of all, how he always call you Sweetheart.

After a few minutes, field demo is about to start. All of the teams are ready with their hair and make-up, costumes, music, everything. The first one to perform is Blue team. Next is Red, followed by Yellow and Green as last.

Now it’s your time to perform. Red team are now lined up going to stage. But, before going there, Greyson approached you and Bea. (You’re being followed by Bea in the line)

Greyson: Good luck, Babe and (YN)

You: Thank you.

Greyson: You can do it, (YN). *taps your shoulder*

Bea: Thank you.

Greyson: You’ll win this. *hugs*

You: *coughs* Greyson, hey, we’re going to start. Step backwards.

Greyson: Okay.

You can’t help it. Your hand form into a roll. Your heart beats so fast. Greyson hugged Bea like he always do to you. You told him to step backwards because you cannot help to see them hugging. That hug break the whole you into pieces. And then the performance of Red team begins.

As you perform, the whole audience are looking at the Red team. Of course, they have to observe and look for every move that the members do. As you dance in the loud music, all of your thoughts are about Greyson. On how you miss him so much, his sweet doings, calling you Sweetheart, his forehead and cheek kisses. Everything.  You miss Greyson Chance. And then, you came to the thinking-point that what if you confess your real feelings to Greyson? What will be his reaction? Is he going to tell you that you should pour your love to others because he got Bea? What if Bea breaks in your conversation and get mad at you for loving him? And what will happen if you gonna keep it to yourself and letting your heart break all over again? Are you just gonna give up and let Bea have Greyson? Are you gonna forget Greyson and your love for him and find another guy even though you treasured it for a very long time? What will you do?

-Fast forward-

And then, the whole school will announce the winner of field demo. And the winner is Yellow as first place, Red as second, to be followed by Blue and Green as last. You felt happy about it. Of course, hard work pays off.

After announcing the winners, the entire students can now go home. Actually, it’s a little bit early, it’s just 5:00 PM. But you told your service to come at 6:00 PM. So you still have one hour. After fifteen minutes, all of the students have gone home. And then, you noticed you and Greyson were left in the whole school. You’re sitting in the left side while he is on the other side. You’re thinking if you’re gonna confess, since you two were alone. And then…

Greyson: Hi.

You: Hello.

Greyson: When are you going home?

You: 6PM maybe.

Greyson: Me too. You were really a great earlier, huh? Never thought you’re a dancer too.

You: Thanks.

Greyson: Sure.

You: *chuckles*

Greyson: I can see in your eyes you wanna tell something. What is it? Huh?

You: Yea. Can I tell you things you don’t know?

Tell Me Things I Don't Know (Greyson Chance)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon