Chapter Nineteen: "I'll do anything just to make you happy."

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The next day, you woke you as the time you usually do. As you opened your eyes and see the sun rising, you remember last night that today is the day you’ll campaign in every room, and then tomorrow will be the Miting De Avance, which you’ll introduce yourself and sing in the crowd.

Mom: Oh hi sweetie. Go eat your breakfast now.
You: Okay.
Mom: Hey, why you look like you’re worried?
You: Nothing. I’m just worried on how things will turn out.
Mom: Don’t be sweetie. Remember that you can do it. Just come to think of it that you’re just doing this for your beloved best friends, okay?
You: *smiles* Okay.

After 40 minutes of preparing going to school, you reached your school. You immediately went upstairs in your room, but still, nervous and cannot help but to think what will happen later. As you open the door, you saw Nicole hid something and all of the, looked at you.

You: Hey guys. Good morning.
All: Good morning.
You: What are you hiding, Nicole?
Nicole: Nothing. *trying to smile*
You: *nodded*
Greyson: Hey my angel, who do you look so sad this morning?
You: I just cannot help it but to think what will happen later. And at this very minute, I feel like I drank three cups of coffee. *looks down*
Adrian: Don’t be, (YN).
William: Stay focus. We know you can do it.
Claire: Keep calm, girl.
Greyson: They’re right *lifts your chin* Cheer up, my little angel.
You: *smiles*

As time passes by, you keep on talking to them like you usually do as you enter your classroom. And of course, your other classmates will arrive. And so does your teacher to start a new lesson. Then hours passed, it was now your tutorial time with Greyson at the quadrangle. As both of you arrived in your meeting place…

Greyson: (YN)
You: Yea?
Greyson: I don’t want to study today.
You: Then what are we going to do?
Greyson: Remember I told you that I’ll help you practicing your vocals for your singing in Miting De Avance tomorrow?
You: Oh. Yea I remember.
Greyson: I want to train your voice now. We won’t have a lesson.
You: *sighs* Okay. As you say so.
Greyson: Smile, (YN)! Aren’t you glad I’m helping you?
You: Of course I am.
Greyson: Great. So let’s start.

So Greyson teach you on how to use your vocal chords, on how to sing those high notes. You noticed that he’s really great at singing. His voice is really deep and angelic. He sings very clear, saying each word of the lyrics right. You wonder what other hidden talents he got.

Greyson: So, that’s all for now. But those things can help you though.
You: That was awesome. You’re good at singing. 
Greyson: *laughs* No, I’m not.
You: Yes you are! Your voice is really deep and angelic!
Greyson: Oh wow!
You: Yes! I wonder what other hidden talents you got…
Greyson: Well…?
You: What?
Greyson: I can play piano?
You: Really? You’re really great!
Greyson: Stop complimenting!
You: But it’s true, you’re talented! *laughs* I love talented boys. *smiles*
Greyson: Does it mean you love me?
You: *laughs*
Greyson: I guess we switched.
You: Huh?
Greyson: Last time I keep on complimenting you, now, it’s you complimenting me. Remember?
You: Oh. *laughs* Yea yea.
Greyson: I think these things want us to remind something.
You: Hmmm, like what?
Greyson: *leans to closer to you* That we meant for each other. *pokes your nose*
You: *blushed* Huh? *laughs*
Greyson: You’re meant to be Mrs Chance!
You: Stop it! *blushes* C’mon, let’s go. Campaigning in every room’s about to start. I have to get ready.

After a few minutes of getting ready, it’s now your time to have a room-by-room campaigning. You were really nervous, hands are sweaty and knees are shaking. But you still keep on practicing your campaigning with other candidates in every position, your friends told you…

Claire and Nicole: Good luck.
William and Adrian: Relax.
Greyson: We know you can do it. Don’t be so nervous.
You: *smiles* Thank you so much.

You left your friends at the classroom with a smile and meet up with other candidates in other positions, like president, vice president, secretary, etc. You started walking around the corridor and enter each room, starting to campaign. In every room, it takes 20 minutes to introduce themselves. There are many candidates, of course.

After a few hours, it was dismissal time, the same time when your campaigning is over. You headed to your room but no one’s left. So you decided to go to multi-purpose which was considered by you and your best friends as your meeting place. You saw them there busy talking and arranging some things. You heard Claire said she was tired campaigning. You wonder why, Claire didn’t join SGA though.

You: Hi guys.
All: Oh, hello.
Greyson: Hi my angel, how’s campaigning?
You: It’s tiring. But it went well.
William: I told you. It’ll go well.
Adrian: We told you. *looks at William*
You: Uhm, I saw you guys arranging something. What’s that?
Nicole: Uhhh… You noticed?
Claire: Should we tell her?
Adrian: We helped you in campaigning. You: What? How?
William: Remember this moorning that Claire is hiding something?
You: Yea.
Greyson: She created a banner. We planned this after she nominates you.
You: Banner?
Greyson: Yes. It says “Vote For (YN) As Freshman Representative If You Want A Cookie.”
You: Cookie? *laughs*
Claire: Yea. You love them, so does students here.
All: *laughs*
You: Well, I guess I have to thanked all of you for exerting effort in helping me to win.
Claire: Aww, you’re welcome!
Adrian: Anything for our little sister!
William: I think you should thank Greyson more than us.
You: Huh? Why?
Nicole: He approached us to do this thing
You: *looks at Greyson* Really?
Greyson: *looks down while smiling*
You: Hey! *laughs* Really?
Adrian: Wait, I think we should go out of here. Let (YN) and Greyson have a little chit chat. *walks away*
Claire: Oh! Yea we must. *walks away*
Nicole: Oh c’mon! *walks away*
William: Let’s go. *walks away*
You: Guys?!
All: Bye. –winks-

So, as your best friends walked away and left you and Greyson to talked, Greyson sat beside you.

You: *sighs* So, Greyson Chance, did you do it?
Greyson: Yea.
You: Well, I guess it’ll help me. *smiles*
Greyson: I hope so.
You: Thank you so much Greys.
greyson: You called me Grey?
You: Yea. If you don’t want to, I’ll call you Greyson.
Greyson: No, it’s okay.  Find it cute especially my angel said it.
You: *blushes* Oh, okay. *laughs* Thank you so much again.
Greyson: Aww, anything for you. Anything for Mrs Chance!
You: Stop it! *laughs*
Greyson: I’ll do anything just to make you happy. *holds your chin*
You: *laughs* Well, I think I have to do something in exchange. What do you think?
Greyson: You don’t have to.
You: But you did isn’t just a small thing!
Greyson: If you really want to. Uhhh… I want you to…
You: What is it?Greyson: I want you to kiss me. I dare you to kiss me. On the lips. *leans too close to your face*
You: What?! *blushed and shocked*
Greyson: Just kidding!
You: Good! *laughs*

As you said “good”, you stare deeply at his hazelnut brown eyes. You feel warm but you don’t know why. Maybe the air he breathes because he’s still close at your face. Both of you stared at each other’s sparkling and bright eyes for only God know how long it was. And then suddenly both of you laughed. 

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