Introduction-Part 1

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These are the main characters and there stereotypical groups at school:

Virgil (Anxiety) = Emo guy but like hot and popular among the girls but they don't have many friends except one or two. The mysterious guy in the hallway who everyone thinks is hot but they don't know if. His best and only friend is Logan.

Logan (Logic) = A smart, nerdy guy who is also considered good-looking. He is very smart and is basically a straight A student. His best friend is Virgil but he is acquainted with others.

Patton (Morality) = Artist kinda (kind of) guy. Everybody is a great friend to him and everyone loves him and finds him very cute! His best friend is Roman.

Roman (Creativity) = Jock and is a popular guy who is handsome. He is popular among everyone and has many friends and acquaintances. Best friends with Patton.
Virgil P.O.V
I woke up to see the blinding light of the sun filtering through my spider curtains into my black room. My room is like my safe haven. When I am feeling down or anxious, I come here. When I've had a panic attack, I come here. To put it bluntly, I love my room. It was my own space which no one could disrupt but I only ever let one person in here and that is my best friend called Logan. We've been friends since we were four years old as our parents went to school together. So we have practically grown up together which is nice because as I mentioned before I have panic attacks so as you've probably guessed already I have anxiety and only I, Logan, my parents, his parents and only a few teachers at my school know this. I don't like telling people I have it because, surprise, it makes me anxious. Anyway before I started the week I texted Logan because that is just something I do... I don't know why though.

Virgil: Aargh! Another day of school ... Am I right?

It took some time for him to respond so I groggily got out of bed to get dressed and had breakfast.

Logical bff: I know you hate school but I still expect to see you at the bus stop on time and punctual.

Although he always texted me this I always purposely arrive 5 minutes late everyday just to annoy him because teasing Logan was fun. My crazy week had begun.

Logan P.O.V
Virgil: Aargh! Another day of school ... Am I right?

I awoke to the sound off my messaging ring tone going off so I sat up on my plain blue bed and began to search for my blue glasses. Wait ... Where are glasses!? So I began the frantic search for my glasses. Not under the pillow... Not under the bed. Not on the floor. Where could they be. As I threw my head up from looking down under the bed and on the floor I felt my glasses slip off my head and onto my nose. Finally I could see! Anyway I quickly grabbed my phone and replied to Virgil.

Logan: I know you hate school but I still expect to see you at the bus stop on time and punctual.

I texted him this same exact message every day but he still seems to turn up late. I think he does it just to annoy me because apparently to him annoying me is fun. But I always stop him from teasing me by black mailing him in a friendly sort off way. Oh you want to know how and what I use to black mail him? Well sorry I can't tell you that because, one, that is confidential and between us and, two, he could easily just black mail me back. Shaking these random thoughts out my head, I began my week of school by getting up and preparing my self for the crazy day to come. Honestly I hadn't seen Virgil in days so I was quite excited to see him again. Also I was really excited to see this other person. My cheeks still heat up at the thought of him. Wish me luck!

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