Part 17

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Roman P.O.V

I gazed down at Virgil and took this opportunity to look at him properly. His make-up was smudged and kind of gone so I could see the adorable freckles that adorn his face. His bangs were slightly to the side so I could see a bit more of his face.


The sound of the doorbell snapped me out of my trance and I turned to look up at a woman who was just like Virgil. She was quite pale and she had long brown hair with purple  highlights. She was dressed in black shirt, black ripped jeans, and grey converse and to top of her outfit, she wore a black, leather jacket. She had a nose ring and a few more piercings on her ears. Needless to say, this woman looked badass!
"Hey you must be Virgil's friend, Roman." She whispered to me while giving me a hard, cold stare.
"Y-yes I am." I whisper-stuttered back. When did I ever stutter?
"Okay! You seem like a nice dude but if you hurt Virgil, I will personally murder you." She whisper-threatened.
"Catherine!" Sarah loudly exclaimed.
"Shhhh!" Catherine quickly shushed her wife and pointed at the sleeping Virgil on my shoulder.
"I hope you didn't threaten him, Catherine!" She asked with narrowed eyes.
"Catherine you are unbelievable!" Sarah whisper-shouted.
"Hey ummm... Catherine and Sarah... Do you mind talking somewhere else?" I sheepishly asked them.
"That's a smart idea." Sarah said before dragging a nervous looking Catherine. Wow... Those two are a couple! I could feel my eyes begin to droop as I glanced at the sleeping Virgil on my shoulder.
"He's really cute..." I thought as I gradually felt sleep suddenly wash over me.

Sarah P.O.V
"Catherine!" I scolded her, "How could you say stuff like that to him. You probably scared him! You could of-" I was immediately cut off by Catherine who have me a surprise kiss.
"Look. Sarah. I'm sorry!" She apologized once more. "I was just looking out for Virgil. How was I meant to know if he was in a relationship or not?" She promptly pointed out. "Also when I came through the door, I saw the Roman guy gazing lovingly at him. Yuck!" She said.
"You mean like this." I gave her my best living look and watched her face become red.
"Yeah... Yeah... Just like that." She diverted her eyes away and then she glanced back up with worried eyes.
"What if he gets hurt?" Her trees, were wide and round. It is ridiculous to think about how similar Virgil and Catherine are.
"If he gets hurt, we'll be here to help him." I replied gently trying to calm her down. She shot me a quick, reassuring smile abd said,
"I know I can trust you!"
She planted a kiss to my cheek and began to help me with dinner. This is the woman I married and love.

Catherine P.O.V
"I'm going to go check on them." I muttered while leaving the kitchen but not before I heard a sigh. Anyway I walked upstairs and quietly knocked and opened the slightly ajar door.
"Hey Virge. Hey Roman." I whispered, desperate not to wake them up, however I couldn't hear a single sound. They must have been asleep.

"They are asleep." I reported.
"I know." Sarah murmured back without giving me a glance or a look, while ahe was cleaning the dishes. I may be sleeping on the couch.

Virgil's P.O.V
I heard quiet, gentle snores next to me. Wait... Why are there snores!? I snapped my head to my left and I saw Roman asleep right next to me. Why was he sleeping next to me!?

Oh no...

Heart beating fast.
Choking sensation around my neck.
I couldn't breath.
I couldn't breathe.

Sweat built up in my palms and my legs failed me. I dashed over to the nearest corner and hugged my knees to my chest tightly. Tears poured down my face uncontrollably.

I couldn't breathe. I'm going to die. He hates me. I can't breathe. What's going to happen In going to for. Oh God... I can't stop panicking. I'm going to die. Someone help me! I'm going to die.. I can't breathe. Help me...

A/N- What a great place to end this chapter! Hello guys, gals, and none binary pals! How are you? Well I hope you brilliant people are having a brilliant day because you deserve.

Well I'm back! Just to make this clear. I was having some issues with my brain and so I have been very stressed and anxious and just...
but in a bad way if you know what I mean. So I'm glad to report...
I AM NOT DEAD...yet...

Sorry that I changed the cover. Someone helped me realize I was using an artists artwork without their permission. Therefore I have deleted every piece of artwork at the start of chapter because I didn't have permission. I felt horrible and just absolutely terrible so I removed them and I felt better. I just thought I'd let you know. However I will put a gif at the start instead. Is that okay?

Anyway, I must remind y'all that y'all are special and unique in your own way. Please remember that. Also I love y'all!!! Bye!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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