Part 11

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Roman P.O.V
"Hey Roman..." Virgil walked up to me, "...I don't think I can meet with you after school to do our project."
Virgil nervously scratched the back of his neck and honestly I was a little sad.
"Why?" I asked and then the floor became very interesting all of a sudden.
"Well... I... have this... Uh... Thing..." Virgil trailed off. Why is Virgil being so suspicious?
"Okay! But the next time we meet up, which is in two days, we have to work double time. Got it?" I said firmly.
"Yes! Thank you!" Virgil cheered. I wonder what could make him this happy. Also he looks very eager to do this... thing. I wonder what it is. Either I can try to pry what he is doing out of him or ignore it or ask politely or I could follow him to find out. The latter sounds the most exciting so I guess I have to follow him to find out. Well Agent Roman is on the case or should I say Detective Roman.

I watched Virgil walk back into school until he was out of sight. Then I ran to the side of the building and did finger guns as I pretended to be a spy.
*Cue James Bond music*
I poked my head around the side of the door and I saw Virgil whipping around a corner at the end of the corridor so like any good spy, I followed him stealthily along the corridor and by the way I still had my finger guns out. I ran on my tippy toes - to be quiet - until I reached the corner of the corridor. I sneakily poped my head round and I watched Virgil go up some stairs. Where on earth is he going? I followed him under the cover of a bunch of school students and I got a lot of weird stares for some students.

Virgil is really easy to spot in a crowd because he always dresses in all black and I always wonder how he doesn't melt on hot days like these.
"Roman, focus on the mission!" I muttered angrily. I quickly but quietly ran up the stairs and just in time to as I saw Virgil dissappear behind one of the music doors. Why is Virgil in a music room?

Surreptitiously, I creeped up to the room and observed him taking out some sort of device and setting it up like he had set it up a million times. It looked like some sort of recording device. Anyway, he then then proceeded to plug the device in and I stalked him in amazement.

The next few moments were boring as all he did was log in to a school computer and I swear logging in to computers at school take forever. Anyway, then he got out his phone and connected some headphones he brought out earlier and he played something. He stood in front of the mix and began to... sing? Wait,Virgil sings. Quietly, I opened the door and a glorious voice echoed around the room. That's Virgil's voice! It was amazing. Every note he seemed to hit perfectly. I didn't know Virgil could sing. I watched him sing with his fantastic voice as he didn't know that I entered the room. I took a seat and enjoyed listening to his voice. I didn't recognize the song he was singing so maybe it's an original. Well, even if it is it was still amazing! When the song ended I got up and clapped.
"Virgil that was AMAZING!" I shouted amazed.
"Y-you heard me, sing?" Virgil asked with wide eyes.
"Yes and it was fantastic! Magical!" I looked at him and he was still just staring at me like I had grown a head.
"What song were you singing?" I asked genuinely interested.
"Well since you already heard me sing, it is called 'If I Could Tell Her' and I wrote it." Virgil sighed.

(Can we just pretend it's an original by Virgil. Also I love that song so much!)

"Well who is it about?" I remembered one of the lines was 'You looked pretty cool when cool when you put indigo streaks in your hair' and not to long ago I put indigo streaks in my hair!
"Oh it's about a person." Virgil said vaguely.
"A crush?" I curiously asked.
"I think that's enough questions." Virgil replied but I could see a hint of a blush beneath his white foundation.
"Okay, can you sing something for me then?"
I really wanted him to sing again.
"Sure," he replied. So we spent the afternoon in the music room. Him showing me how it works and singing and me just gazing at his cute face which was so happy to talk about something he loved.

A/N- Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals! How are you? Well I hope you are having an amazing day like Roman! Anyway, the next chapter is going to be a Logicality chapter so please enjoy! Love y'all!!! Bye!!! ❤❤❤

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