Part 15

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Roman P.O.V
"Roman... I messed up big time..." Patton said sadly over the phone.
"Why? What did you do?" I asked him,
"As I was saying good bye to Logan I kissed his cheek..." He sounded devastated.
"And that is bad because?" I thought Logan was pretty open about liking my best friend.
"Because what if he doesn't like me? What if he now hates me?" Patton rambled on about bad scenarios. Then a light bulb flickered on.
"What if he likes you back?" I was trying to lift Patton's spirits but I only heard a long pause on the other end.
"That's preposterous!" He exclaimed. "He would never like me!" I sighed in defeat because I knew whenever Patton was like this it was impossible to cheer him up.
"Okay Patton! Go to your room with lots of chocolate and watch Winnie The Pooh and look at puppy pictures.
"Okay..." He sniffed.
"Okay! Bye Patton! See you tomorrow!"
"I guess..." And with that, the call ended.
"Roman!" My mother shouted.
"Yes!" I shouted down but annoyingly there was no response.
"Yes!!" I shouted louder.
"YES!" Still no reply. I huffed in annoyance as I got up to go downstairs.
"Roman!" She shouted.
"Coming Ma!"

~Time Skip~

"Yes mum, what is it?" I asked annoyed.
"Well,your father and I are going out tonight and we won't be back until very late." She explained as she looked up at her husband lovingly.
"And?" I questioned, bringing them back to reality.
"We don't want you here alone." She said.
"What?" I was kind of surprised because my parents have never asked me to do anything like this.
"Well there ahs been many break ins in the last week." My father explained further.
"Mmm...kay... I'll see what I can do." I lamely replied. Now I'm in a bit of a pickle.

I went through the list of my friends.
Patton: no with his state.
Logan: It would just be weird.
Virgil: Well... Am I going to risk spending a night with my cru- I mean friend. Who knew what he got up too. He is the only one that is avaliable so I called him

"Hey Virge!" I cheerfully greeted him.
"Sup?" He answered in a calm but slightly agitated tone.
"Well,can I please stay at yours for one night?" sheepishly asked. There was a long pause and I thought he was going to say no.
"I mean I don't have to. I can go to-" I began to apologize.
"You can stay. Sorry I just had to check with my mums. You don't mind people being ... Gay?" He asked.
" Yes, its fine! I mean, no, I don't mind, I mean I am gay-" What on earth did I just say!
"Your ... Gay?" It was very awkward now.
"Ermmm... Yes?" My answer sounded more like a question.
"Okay! See you at mine in half an hour." He said,ending our conversation.
"Wait Virge! You don't mind me being gay? Also text me your address please."
"Okay I'll text you my address and no I don't mind you being gay. I grew up with gay mums." He stated like it was obvious.
"Okay! Thanks and see ya!" I said, finally closing out conversation.
"Bye!" The call ended with a happy Virgil and a very happy me.


Virgil's text came through and I memorised his address before quickly packing up my things.
Pajamas ✔
Toothbrush ✔
Deodrant ✔
Clothes ✔

"Hey Roman." My mum said softly. I decided it was time.
"Mum, would you be angry if I saod I wasn't straight?" I posed the question and her reaction surprised me.
"You're gay! Aren't you?" I could only nod in shock.
"Your father and I have known for years!"
"Well when you were little you always talked about marrying a guy, you drew pictures of princes saving princes, you even ran up to this one bit and just kissed him!" My mum was laughing happily at the memories and I laughed along.
"Wow! I was so nervous to say but I'm glad I did!" I said more to myself than her. All she did was laugh and wink at me.
"So, any crushes?" She gave me a suggestive side look. I blushed and she giggled.
"Spill!" Was all she said.
"Okay! His names Virgil and he is shorter than me and adorable. He is really emo and wears foundation and black eyeshadow. Also he wears all black. He has this amazing voice and can sing like there's no tomorrow. I think you will love him. I'm staying at hos house tonight! I don't know if he's gay though." I ended on a sad note.
"Well I'm very happy for you Ro and I can't wait to meet him. Your dad and I are going so good bye. And good luck! I love you, Ro!" With that she was out the door with my dad dragging behind her. I think my mum might be the coolest mum on the planet!

A/N- Woah! That was so fun to write! Hey guys, gals and non-binary pals! How are you? I hope you are having the most fantastic day possible! This chapter was about 200 more words than I normally write! Haven't really got much to say but comment,vote, share! Remember that all of y'all are special and unique in your own ways! Love y'all!!! Bye!!! ❤❤❤

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