Part 19

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Patton P.O.V (for a change)
"Hey Patton! How are you feeling? Better?" Roman said over the phone.
"Yes I'm fine, but I still feel embarrassed! What do I do if he asks?" I had worrying thoughts racing around my head and it was like they were competing to be heard and seen.

"Patton? PATTON! You still here, buddy?" Roman asked, very concerned.
"Still here..." I mumbled because I felt very low in the dumps.
"Well..." There was a pause, "you know how Virge is my crush..." He trailed off nervously, "well, he was panicking last night so I helped him, but when he was asleep I kissed his forehead! I think that only made me fall in love with him more! Not to sound cheesy..."

I was... Shocked... If anything. I had never heard Roman do that and, I mean, he is the most dorky, cheesy, romantic person I know. He took a huge risk, which, I guess, Roman does do that a lot.

"Roman are you sure he was asleep..?" I did not want to sound dream-crushing or pessimistic but that question had to be asked. It seems more like a 'Logan' question. Logan's ties are really cute and-
I think Roman dropped his phone. Oh dear... Maybe I shouldn't of asked that question.
"Is this Patton?" The voice was extremely distant and I could barely make out the words but I knew that tone of voice anywhere.

"Hey Patton. What's up?" He casually asked.
"HELLO VIRGIL!" I shouted back excitedly because I hadn't spoken to Virgil for three days.
"Gees Pat! No need to shout..."
Even though he tried to act edgy, I know he is a smol, cinnamon roll who may seem salty on the outside but on the inside, he was sweet, caring and he has a crush on Roman.

It's so cute how they both have a crush on each other but they're both too proud to admit that, though, I have a feeling Roman would tell Virgil first.

"So, what happened last night?" I wondered innocently.
"We slept." Virgil replied in a monotonous tone.
"And?" I interrogated.
"That's it." He said bored.
"No games? No fun? You just slept?" I pressed further.
"Yes" He replied.
Well, that conversation ended quickly!

I heard a phone ring on the other end and Virgil quickly mumbled a goodbye and left.
"Sorry about that Patton. Logan called him and so he had to answer. Also, Virgil and I REALLY need your help in our DT homework, care to help us?" He paused hopefully, although, he knew I was going to say yes.

"Absolutely! Glad to be at your services Prince Roman!" I played along with his theatrics.
"Thank you! You are most kind and wonderful!"

Logan P.O.V (another nice change!)
"There is something I was meaning to tell you." I began the conversation. Not the best way, but the most efficient.
"Okay, what is it?" Virgil questioned.
"On Friday, after school, I was with Patton and when we were exiting the building to go home, he kissed my cheek." I finished my story. There was a moments pause so Virgil could figure out how to answer.

"How do you feel?" He asked tentatively because Virgil knew I hated feelings.
"Well... It makes me happy and I feel very dizzy and light headed." I reported back to Virgil who was a lot more knowledgeable with feelings than me.
"It seems to me that you may have a crush, Logan" I could hear him smirking into the phone.
"Oh..." Was all I said. I was surprised but I kind of knew that this was coming.

"Do you feel like that around Roman?" I asked. I had a sneaking suspicion that Virgil did because sometimes he would zone out of conversation or he would be staring at Roman for long periods of time.
"Yes." He said hesitantly.

"That's good to know. Well, what is the next step for me?" I honestly did not know because the feelings department is not my department.
"Tell him and ask him out." Virgil answered with a smirk on his face.
"Okay. How do I do that?"

I was so distracted by what Virgil was saying I hadn't boticed my cheeks which were literally on fire. Is this what they call blushing?
"Here's the plan..."
I listened very carefully and I must say this was a very well thought out plan.
"Let's do it!" I smiled.

A/N- What is up, guys gals and non-binary pals!? How are you? I hope you are all having (or had) a spectacular day!

What is Virgil's plan you may ask and I have no idea so if any of you have an idea please message me becausw that would be amazing. Also HAPPY HALLOWEEN AND OTHER HOLDIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!! I know I am late but just accept my scream of celebration.

Well I will see you next chapter! Remember you are amazing and special and talented!!! Love y'all so much!!! BYE!!!💗💗💗

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