Part 8

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Patton P.O.V
Period three and four were so boring. I had English and Maths which are the hardest subjects for me because I have dyslexia. Dyslexia is when somebody (a.k.a me) has trouble reading, interpreting words, letters or any other symbols. Nobody in the whole school knows, except Roman obviously. I haven't told anybody because what if they shame me or treat me like a... a... baby. I don't know. I just don't want people doing something just for me because then I would be wasting there time. However, I think my English teacher knows because whenever we do spelling she never asks me to read my score out and yes,we still do spelling. Also she never asks me to read out in class whenever we are reading a class book. As soon as the bell rang signalling lunch, I dashed outside to find Roman to ask him about Virgil so I went to our regular table and I found Logan there as well as him and they were laughing very hard.
"Hey guys!" I greeted them cheerfully.
"Hi Patton!" Logan said back with a smile.
"What's up, Patton?" Roman acknowledged me.
"Why were you guys laughing so hard? It must have been hilarious?" I asked.
"Oh we were laughing because I made a joke and Logan did not understand so I had to explain it to him! And it was hilarious!" Roman explained his smile growing.
"Hey Virgil! Over here!" Logan called to Virgil. So now Virgil was going to join the party.
"Hey Roman, Patton and Logan." He said in a bored voice.
"Why you so bored, Virgil?" I asked him.
"Don't I always sound bored?" He stated like it was an obvious thing.
"Not today in science." I smiled remembering the scene I had caused.
"We are to never talk about it!" Virgil said firmly. Honestly, he just looked really cute.
"What happened?" Logan asked, genuinely curious.
"Nothing! Nothing happened!" Virgil shouted a little to quickly.
"Patton, tell us the juicy stuff!" Roman demanded.
"Well I was introducing myself and so did Virgil. And then I asked him who his crush was." You could see a slight blush under his foundation."He denied it of course but he was blushing to hard for it to be a lie." At this point, Virgil's face was in his hands, hidden from embarrassment.
"I interrogated him but he was saved by the teacher." I finally finished. "How about you?"
My question was answered with Logan and Roman doubling over with laughter. As laughter is contagious, I too was laughing very hard. Then Virgil broke into quiet laughter. It looked like I was the only one who noticed his quiet laughing. Also his cheeks were now very red.

Roman P.O.V
We were all laughing very hard at the story Patton was telling us but it got me thinking. Who was Virgil's crush? I really want to know but he is too stubborn to tell me. Then I just thought of a great pick-up line. So I told him when Patton and Logan were chatting by themselves.
"Hey Virgil!" I grabbed his attention.
"I can be the beast to your beauty. Also I'm a beast in bed!" I sent him a flirty wink. He blushed lightly.
"I'm sorry," He said with mock-sympathy, "This beauty only dates a Prince Charming." He winked at me flirtatiously. I stood with my mouth agape. He burst into a giggles and they were adorable.
"How many more have you got?" He said cheekily.
"A whole load more so just you wait!" I said confidently while poking him in the chest. Then he froze up as I saw my other friends come up. He ran off all of a sudden. I wonder why.

A/N- What's up everybody? How aee you? Well I hooe you are having a wonderful, majestic day today? Well please let me know how I am writing. Love y'all!!! Bye guys, gals and non-binary pals!!! ❤❤❤

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