Part 20

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Logan P.O.V

How far away are away are you?

Not far.

After I put my phone down, I looked at the clock.
1527 (3:27 pm)

It has been an hour since Virgil discussed the plan with me and he brought Roman into it.
"He may come of help when needed," Virgil had argued and, to be honest, I couldn't disagree with him, so now, Roman and Virgil are coming over to mine in order to put the plan into action.
I looked at the clock again.
1528 (3:28 pm)
One minute? I thought it had been 5minutes, however that would be impossible because-
Ding!  Ding!

I rushed to the door and was greeted with Virgil and Roman standing and waving. They both had light blushes across their faces, I wonder what happened on the way?
If Patton were here he would be squealing and fanboying over them. I must admit, I find Patton to have a cute personality and an adorable face to match.

"Sup?" He greeted while trudged in.
"Good amazing afternoon!" Roman said with his ever so bright smile. Roman followed Virgil into my room and he had a gleam in his eyes but I couldn't tell what sort of gleam it was. Patton would know...

"Please forgive my manners. Would you like some food or drink?" I asked politely.
"Nah bro!" Virgil replied, "so the plan? Logan you know what you are doing?"
I nodded.
"Yes, sir." He giggled at his own theatrics. Virgil just did his signature eye roll.

"Why don't we go through it once more so we know exactly what we are doing and when. Then Roman and I-"
Enter glare at me. "-will go home."  He finished.
(A/N- Glares because Logan always corrects him on his grammar)
Roman and I nodded in confirmation. We ran through the plan saying our exact actions and instructions as Virgil taught us. Once again, I admired the well thought out plan, calculated by Virgil, because hehad really thought of everything. I was proud of my friend.

Roman P.O.V
After running through the plan a number of times, Logan, Virgil and I just hung out like pals. We were playing on an app, that Virgil recently downloaded, called 'Edits'.
(A/N - Not a real app btw)

So you took a photo of your face and aligned your eyes, mouth and face shape, in order for the app to work it's magic. We were scrolling through the edits one by one and we came across:
·Animals (cats, dogs, etc)
·Princes (my personal favourite!)
And the last one... Punk!
Needless to say, Virgil looked the best. Wow..... He was stunning and Virgil himself was surprised to see the Punk version of himself. He told us he wanted to get a nose, eyebrow and lip piercing and I supported him but Logan looked skeptical. Typical Logan! Logan looked weird as punk and it did not suit him, I, on the other hand, managed to just managed to pull the look off but we all came to the same agreement that Virgil suited that topic he best.
Logan suited the robot the best.
Me the Prince and Virgil the punk.
One phone binged so we checked our devices and it turned out to be mine. This random Instagram follower messaged me, telling me I looked amazing and I usually get these from women who find my pictures since I was an aspiring model, but it was a guy this time. I didn't have anything against it since I am gay but it was a bit out of the blue if you catch my drift.

I aimlessly scrolled through the guys Instagram and found that he was coming to my school and he was cute but not as cute as Virge, however, he seemed to be a bad boy kind of guy and he was my type. I hummed in thought.
"What is it Roman?" Virgil asked curiously.
"Cute guy messaged my Insta and he is coming to our school." I replied but I blindly missed Virgil's disappoinyed face.
"Well I better go. See you guys!" I waved cheerfully. With that, I went home comparing Virgil and the guy who's name is Marshal Lee.

Virgil P.O.V
So, I now know that Roman is into guys which is a yay... But he found this guy on Instagram who was apparently cute and he is coming to my school. I will never get a chance with Roman. Logan looked lost in thought. I left to go home.

A/N- Just going to prepare you guys for the next confusing and slightly exciting chapter to come!!!! I can't wait!!! I apologize that I don't update that often. It is because of school and clubs and work like I do an activity every single day and sometimes I find it hard to make time or energy to write so please forgive me. I hope you enjoyed the chapters and remember to keep loving yourself because self-love is important!!! Love y'all!!! Bye!!!💗💗💗

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