Part 16

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Virgil P.O.V
I was frantically cleaning up my room before Roman arrived when I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly glanced at my reflection and I was a mess. My make-up was smudged and my hair was a mess so I shouted,
"Mum! Answer the door please!"
"Okay, Verge!" She shouted back.
Thank God for mums!

I reapplied my make-up and fixed my hair quickly as I heard my mum open and greet Roman. I dashed down the stairs ignoring the nervousness that had been built up while I was waiting.

"Hey Roman." I smiled.
"You must be pretty special if Virgil smiles at you!" My mum remarked.
"Mum!" I exclaimed in embarrassment, my cheeks flushing red.
"Sorry..." She muttered sarcastically.
Roman just grinned at me the whole time. I inwardly groaned, what a great start.
"I will leave you two alone now, but if you want anything just let me know." She said smiling at me and Roman.
"Also, Virgil, Catherine (A/N- Random name) is coming home late to night."
I nodded my head slightly to let her know I understood and then she left me and Roman in an awkward silence.

"So... Uh... Why don't you put your stuff in my room. We already set up a bed for you." I gestured at Roman to follow me as I turned and led him to my room.
"So your bed is the one with red sheets." I tried to make conversation.
"Awesome! And thanks!" He said as he placed his bag on the bed.
"So...Uh..." Roman nervously scrathed the back of his neck. Why is he nervous?
"Why don't you go meet my mum, her name is Sarah. My other mum will arrive later." I suggested so we didn't have to spend another minute in an awkward silence. We ran downstairs and entered the kitchen where my mum was baking some cookies.

Roman P.O.V
I was really nervous meeting Virgil's mum but what I have seen of her she seems really nice and mind however I have no idea of what she is like.
"Hey mum." Virgil said. He looked really relaxed and chill in his house. I've never seen him so calm.
"Yes, Virgil." She responded while looking at him.
"I was thinking you and Roman could like meet." He blushed a little and he looked away.
"I think that's a great idea!" She turned to me.
"Hi! My names Sarah and I am Virgil's mum! My wife, Catherine, is Virgil's real like, uh, her egg was used." She kind of awkwardly explained but she still smiled.
"Hi! My names Roman and I am a friend of Virgil's. I love Disney and I'm gay." I ended confidently. Her eyes lit up.
"Virgil's gay too!" She squealed.
"Mum!" He shouted with a red face.
"Oh! He didn't know. Sorry Verge!" She giggled. He sighed in defeat.
"Well you had to tell him eventually! You can't hide your sexuality forever!" She squealed again.
"Okay!" Virgil clapped his hands and said, "I think that's enough getting to know each other so Roman and I are going to duck out. See ya!" He said while playfully glaring and a hard blush still upon his cheeks.
"Okay bye, Verge! I will call you for dinner!" She replied cheerfully.

~Time Skip to after dinner because I'm lazy and I'm me~

"So why don't we watch Disney movies since you and I are both Disney fans..." Virgil suggested quietly. I guess he was still embarrassed about what happened in the kitchen. His mum is amazing though.
"Yeah! Sure! That sounds flipping sweet, man!" I replied excitedly.
"Okay?" He gave me a strange look. He popped in the movie and sat down next to me. We were well equipped with pop-corn, a pillow fort, many blankets, many other treats, and most importantly 10 movies were stacked, ready to be watched.

~Time Skip~

Virgil and I had gotten through about 5 movies when I saw him yawn this adorable, little yawn and his head somehow found its way to my shpulder and as he put his head on my shoulders he cuddled up to me as well. I sat completely still so I didn't wake him up and I only let out my sigh of releif when I heard muffled snores coming from the handaome teen beside me. I turned to look at him and Virgil sleeping must be the cutest and most adorable thing in the whole Disney kingdom. Tonight was going to be fun.

A/N- Hey guys, gals and non-binary pals! How are you? Well, I hope you are having a great day. So school is here.................. Kill me.......................
Anyway, the past few days have been really tough and full of panic attacks because I don't know. I am going to the doctors to see what is the cause of my panic because there is somethong called hyperthyroidism and it runs in my family (research it) or I might be General Anxiety Disorder, we don't know though so I will keep y'all updated but I just wanted to let y'all know why I haven't been around lately. Sorry for the rant, I just really needed to tell you guys and surprise,surprise, I am SUPER nervous to tell my friends tomorrow so like SEND HELP! Sorry bout that! Remember you are special and wonderdul people and I love y'all!!! Bye!!! ❤❤❤

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