Part 9

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Logan P.O.V
Patton and I watched Virgil and Roman flirting with each other. Even though they are opposites they are so perfect for each other. For example Roman is very confident and it seems he brings out Virgil's confident side. Where as, Virgil, even though it doesnt seem like it, he is very sensitive and he brings out Roman's sensitive side which isn't shown all that much. So to conclude, they would make a couple who are a compliment to each other. In other words, a power couple. I stole a glance at Patton who was gushing and fan-boying over them. He looks really cute. My cheeks began to heat up at that thought and I tried to suppress it but I just couldn't do it. I heard loud chatter and 'banter' in the distance so I turned my head to see Roman and Patton's group of friends come towards us. 'Virgil is going to hate this,' I thought and as though, on cue,Virgil quickly grabbed his bag and dashed off to be out of sight. Roman just stared at the spot he where he was standing a few minutes age, in confusion and disappointment. Then I remembered that Roman didn't know a crucial thing about Virgil but then again, Virgil hates mentioning it to people. Virgil just avoids humans in general and according to him, I am not human.
"Hey Roman! Hey Patton!" They cheerfully greeted them.
Hi guys." Roman greeted them. He still was confused and disappointed.
"Why are you so sad?" One of them asked. They still hadn't noticed me.
"Yeah. Also why were you talking to Virgil? He's so creepy and too... too emo. Too different to you." One of the stupid imbeciles asked.
"Just drop it. Plus he's not creepy." Roman replied with a sigh.
"Dude! What's got into you?" Another idiot asked. I hate them already. Patton was staying silent but looked on with worry and concern in his eyes and then he turned and looked at me, who was sitting deadly silent.
"Hey Logan..." He whispered, "maybe you should go..."
"Nope. I'm staying." I said sharply. "I want to know what's going to happen next." I said harshly. It may have been too harsh but at that moment I was so angry and infuriated.
"His names Virgil right?" Roman's friends trapped him in there circle so he couldn't run and to be honest, Roman had a look that said help me but he nodded in response.
"He's the loser who sits in the corner who doesn't talk to anyone but Logan, right?"
I could feel my blood boiling beneath my skin.
"He's not a loser!" Roman's scared look turned cold. "If I say he's cool, he's cool!" And with that he pushed his way through and stalked off, Patton and I joined him. Suddenly I remembered Virgil so I went to the only place that Virgil ever goes.

Virgil P.O.V
I watched Roman's 'friends' form a tight circle around him.
This is all happening because of me. If I never talked to him this would never have occurred but because you talked and became friends with him, this is what's happening to him.
Shut up brain! Shut up anxiety! Just let me be! I ran to my 'isolation tree' as I call it. As you have probably guessed by now, I go to this place if I am feeling very anxious, or if I just want to be alone. It is a magical, majestic magnolia tree that is planted around the back of school, where nobody goes. The only people who know about this tree is Logan and the gardener who occasionally is there to mow the grass. It's just so peaceful and tranquil there and it helps me calm down after I panick.

Carefully I climbed into the lowest branch and I hoisted myself up into the tree. The gardener look over in my direction,sending a friendly nod in my direction, as I climbed further up, into the tree.

A/N- Hey guys! How are you? Well I hope you are having a great day! I am sorry this wasn't published sooner, you see, I was out all day and I had no chance to finished writing this. Anyway, Love y'all!!! Bye guys, gals and non-binary pals!!! ❤❤❤

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