Part 4

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Virgil P.O.V
I watched Patton (Logan's crush) grab Logan's arm as we were getting off the school bus. He asked something with a clear blush on his face. Logan's face softened and Logan smiled! Like Logan rarely smiles! Also I'm pretty sure Patton likes Logan back as on the bus he kept looking at him. I caught him every time and everytime he just looked away blushing. Anyway as I was playing match maker in my head, I walked over to my locker with my face hidden within my hoodie. I hate walking through the corridors because I always get looks from people : mainly girls and to be honest I hate the attention.

We all got new schedules as it is the start of a new year at school. I wish it was still the holidays where I could play video games and listen to 'My Chemical Romance' and 'Panic! At the Disco' and watch anime all day long but no, school just had to start again. As you can probably tell from my attitude, I hate school. It's so boring and pointless. I don't see why we can't just go to school and learn actual important stuff like how to cook, how to clean, how to do laundry etc. I don't see why they teach us to draw or how to throw a javelin or other useless stuff. I sighed an exaggerated sigh and walked to my first period of the first day of school : history.

I plonked down in a seat furthest away from everyone (basically in the back corner) and I just sulked... Until Logan came and sat next to me with a giant smile on his face.
"Okay Logan, what happened? And why are you smiling so creepily?" I asked suspiously.
"You know I'm not good with emotions so I'll just explain it. I have a really weird, giddy feeling in my stomach and it feels like it's churning but in a good way and for some reason I can't stop smiling." He explained this whole the grin on my face grew and grew. Perfect time to tease him about this.
"Logan, it's an emotion call..." I paused to add some drama, "...Loooovvvveeee,"
Logan's cheeks turned a sudden bright red as I laughed my head off.
Then the teacher walked in and began like always,
"Welcome class this is history cla-"
The teacher was abruptly cut off from someone who literally just burst through the door. They gave me a fright.

Roman P.O.V
I barged through the door into my first period - history. The teacher, Ms Heather, was introducing herself to the class when I came in.
"I...I'm so... Sorry..." I said breathlessly as I had just ran from the bus stop to this room which is 3 floors up. I'm exhausted. Patton, like a true best friend, has saved me the seat next to him and he smiles and waves me over to him so I went over and sat down like any normal person would. Then Ms Heather announced our history project for this term and our partners as well.

"Our topic this term is Greek Gods and Goddess'!"
This earn a couple of groans from the class.
"Now your partners are..."
She pulled out a list with our names.
"Patton... and... Logan..."
I looked at Patton who just blushed lightly and nodded.
"Roman... and..."
I looked up at my name. Who is my partner going to be?
This is my cue to blush and nod.

A/N- What's up guys, gals, and non-binary pals? Anyway I hope you are having the most amazing, fantastic, teriffic day ever! Also I hope you're enjoying the story as much as I am. I already have the next chapter but you are going to have to wait because I only post once a day. Also shout out to elke1259 who has shown amazing support!

This is really random but I woke up at like 4:30am and I really couldn't sleep so I searched up aimes to watch and a came across one called 'BTOOOM!' and I just finished watching all 12 episodes. (In a row I may add) so right now I am really tired so this chapter might not be very good. Sorry!!!
Love y'all!!! Bye!!!❤❤❤

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