Part 12

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Logan P.O.V
Patton and I were in the library researching about Dike- the Goddess for our history project. For our project we needed to include stories, myths, beliefs, legends about her and we needed to mention how the Greeks worshipped her if they worshipped her at all. I thought up a plan that would make this study time efficient - we would both get four to five books each, read them and take notes. When I said this Patton quickly dashed off before I finished speaking and went to the history part of the library. Patton was being suspiciously quiet but I thought nothing of it at the time. Once I collected the books I required, I sat down at one of the desks the library provided. It was a double desk so Patton and I could work together. Patton came some time after with a troubled expression but again I ignored it.

Half an hour later, I had filled one side of my sheet with organized and detailed notes and I had finished reading two books. I took a quick glance at Patton, who was only a quarter of the way through his first book and saw he had written hardly any notes and the notes were all jumbled up and some words were spelt wrong and-
"Patton do you have dyslexia?" I randomly blurted out. Patton looked away embarrassed and ashamed but he nodded his head slightly. Then he turned to me with an apologetic smile.
"Yeah, I'm sorry I won't be much help..." He trailed off sadly.
"Patton that is not true!" I exclaimed.
"Actually most dyslexic people are very creative and artistic. Did you know Albert Einstein had dyslexia! Or so it is thought." I said trying to brighten his mood and the fates seemed to be on my side because I saw Patton's face lighten up with curiosity.
"Really!?" He said with wide, happy eyes.
"Yeah. Also Picasso and Tom Cruise and Richard Branson!" With every name Patton's face lit up more.
"I understand you are hugely celebrated artist in this school,am I correct?" I asked. You must always check your information.
"I guess... I'm not that good..." He looked down modestly.
"Well how about I gather the information for our project and you can draw pictures, animate adventures and do what ever you like. Also you may design our project." I suggested.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Patton cheered.
"Also I would gladly help you study for any test. I can give you some lessons abd I can help with your dyslexia?" I posed the question. He thought for a while before heartily agreeing.
"Thank you, Logan!" He rushed over to me and enveloped me in a hug and I could feel my cheeks heat up uncharacteristically.
"U-uh... N-no problem!" I stuttered back, losing my cool. Patton (and Virgil occasionally) were the only people who could make me lose my cool, calm and collected composure and for some strange reason I always lose it around Patton.
"Okay how about I read allowed your books and you can listen and maybe re me some notes to write down. Then when we are finished we can think of some ideas for the project." I proposed and Patton again agreed readily.

We stayed in the library until the school kicked is out which was about at 5:30pm. When we walked outside we saw Roman and Virgil laughing and blushing wildly at the same to me. I must remember to ask and tease him about it.
"Hey guys!" Patton and I greeted them.
"So how did studying go?" Roman was just trying to make small talk.
"Really good! I think Virgil must know because it would be mean to leave him out." Virgil just gave me a confused look. " Basically I have dyslexia and now Logan has agreed to helping me with it and we have cone up with many ideas!" Patton said cheerfully.
"That's great! Okay well Roman and Logan both know I sing so I guess you should know now too."
We all walked home together.

A/N- Sorry for the cheesy ending! How are you!? Anyway,I have a VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE!!!

I just want to remind all of you that you are special! You are amazing! You are fantastic, magical, just all found great, good people. You may think you aren't but that is BS! You are perfect, unique and special and I just want you to know. Even if you think you are the most boring person in the world or universe or what ever, you are still special and you want to know why? The chance of you being born was 1 out of 400 TRILLION! No not million or billion but TRILLION! So if you say are not special or if someone says they are not special you just remember and say that fact and think 'not-special-my-ass!' (Sorry I dont usually curse! In fact I don't!) You are all Fantablerifficlousing people in the world! (Pronouned: Fan-tab-le-riff-ic-lous-ing!)

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