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"Bye Dad! Love you." I yelled as I rolled my suitcase away.
"Bye Uncleeeee. Love you." Vanessa hollered.
"Love you too girls. Be safe!" My dad waved.

We went straight to check in, and sent away our bags. We took our boarding passes and headed to security. I sent a quick message to the boys.

Y/N: Hey! Just checked in headed to security then boarding.
G: Great!
E: We are super close to the airport so let us know when you're about to land and we'll come pick u up
G: we'll be there by the time you land and go through baggage and stuff
Y/N: Gucci! Can't wait,see y'all soon 💜

I checked the time we are perfectly on schedule. I locked my phone and put it in my pocket.

"To security! I love going through the metal detectors!" Vanessa beamed.
"You're a freak." I said rolling my eyes.
"Funny. Cuz that what your mans said when I had a mouthful of-" she started.
"THAT'S ENOUGH! Let's go!" I interrupted, I led her towards the security area.

Gosh I'm gonna be stuck on a plane with her hoe ass for hours.... I played myself.

We got to security and emptied our carry ons to go through the X-Rays. While our bags passed through we got scanned by the hand metal detector things from the security guards then we emptied our pockets and walked through the metal detector frame. On the other side of the frame is where our bags came out from being X-rayed.

"You are free to grab your bags." We were told by one of the guards.

We retrieved our electronics from the bins and packed everything back into our bags. We both grabbed our bags and headed to the desk area that you walk through to enter the airport area.

"Ticket and Identification." The woman said.

Vanessa handed the woman her passport and her ticket. She held Vanessa's passport to her face, and looked at the picture in comparison to her face. She then scanned her ticket and typed something into her computer.

"You're clear. You're boarding pass states your zone. Just down there."
The woman smiled.

"Thank you." Vanessa smiled, standing on the other side waiting for me.

"Ticket and Identification." The woman said.

I handed her my stuff and she held the passport up to my face. And smiled. She scanned my ticket. And typed....and typed....and typed....she wrinkled her brows together looking at the screen.

She reached for the phone and said something into it. She spoke in some kind of code that I couldn't understand.

V: "What's taking so long?" Vanessa mouthed to me.

I shrugged in confusion. My heart started to race as I resisted the instinct to panic. Suddenly two men arrived at the desk.

"Mam. You're gonna have to come with us." One of the men said.

"Wait what's going on? I can't? My cousin is right there. We have to take off in an hour. We are perfectly on schedule. We will be late. I can't miss my flight! My passports up to date. My ticket is valid. I should be able to go-"

"Mam. Please." The other officer urged.

"You can come now willingly or we will have to detain you by force." He spoke up.

My eyes watered as I nodded.

"I'm coming with you." Vanessa said coming to the other side.

"No, you'll miss the flight." I argued.
"I wouldn't be on that flight if it weren't for you." She said.
"....Thank you." I smiled.

My head hung low as we followed the two men.

We walked down a long hallway. My sneakers squeaked against the marble floors. They opened a door that had a large sign that said


They held the door open as Vanessa and I walked through. They led us into an empty room with a table and chairs. It looked like a conference room.

"Sit." One of the men ordered.

Who does this man think he's talking to like a dog. I will-

"They will be here to retrieve you momentarily." The other one said.

Retrieve? Here they go again with the dog speak. Is it cuz I'm black?

My thoughts were interrupted by them slamming the door.

I pulled out my phone and winced at the time. We still had time before our flight if they would just let us go!

"What's going on?" Vanessa whispered.

"To be honest I don't know." I croaked.

I was trying really hard to look confident for her. But internally I was panicking.

"When they call you, you have to be polite. And put on your Caucasian voice. These are government people. Losing your patience with them will not at all benefit you." She said.

I nodded.

"You might wanna inform the boys." She added.

I nodded and went to Twitter to message them.

Y/N: Hey guys.....
G: Hey!
E: Landed already? Lol.
Y/N: Not exactly......
G: Shouldn't you guys be boarding in a couple of minutes?
E: Yeah ur gonna be late
Y/N: Yeah we would be there if we weren't trapped in a conference room rn
G: What?
E: Y/N what r u talking about? What's going on?
Y/N: We have a bit of a problem...
E: what happened

"Y/F/N?" A women in a pencil skirt called me by my full name.
I looked up.

"Come with me." The woman said.


Oh no what is happening?!
Hope you liked it. Comment your thoughts I love you
~ethansapplecream 🍏

"YOU WON!!" Dolan Twins Interracial Fanfiction (BWWM) [ON HOLD]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora