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We've been playing this "game" for a while now. And your gal has been getting all the tea!!!

I got all the details on their broken friendships, virginities, embarrassing stories, drama and so much more.

E: "Next!"
Y/N: "Hmmm okay... have you guys ever dated someone in secret?"

E: "Oh no... I see where this is going?"
Y/N: "Yes you do! I don't really care if you have to be honest. But the fandom does the most and won't shut the fuck up about Meredith and they need to chill. So is it true or nah?"

E: "Ummm well.... It's really hard to date in general. But it's even harder out here in L.A. There's a lot of people who use you, who are fake, have bad intentions and things like that."
Y/N: "Yeah I get that."
E: "But you know how its like dating now a days."
Y/N: "Yeah, with 'talking to someone' then you become 'exclusive' and only talk to one person THEN you're official!"

E: "Exactly. So it's a lot of experimenting and getting to know the person. But it's harder under the public eye. You could look at someone for 30 seconds and everyone thinks your dating! So we are very careful. We also don't want to hype up the fandom about someone we are 'talking' to and it doesn't work out. Ya know."
Y/N: "Yeah I get it."
*mumbles* "Wasn't the answer to my question though..."
E: "That's the best way I can put it."

Y/N: "Well, Grayson have you ever dated someone in secret?"
G: "Yes, I did once in grade 6 when my parents told me I was too young to date."
Y/N: "That's not what I meant! I meant like since you started social media."
G: "Should've been more specific then." He laughed

G: "My turn! Y/N, what's the dumbest thing you've ever done?"
Y/N: "I ironed my shorts..."
E: "That's not du-."
Y/N: "While I wearing them...."
GE: *laugh*
Y/N: "It seemed like a good idea at the time. Okay!"
G: "How does that-"
G: "No...."
Y/N: "Exactly!"

Y/N: "Lets move on. You guys are goin pretty easy on me so far."
E: "Sorry we didn't come with a notebook full of them!"
Y/N: "True...."
Y/N: "Anyways my turn!!"

Y/N: "Next question... So where the fuck is the Dorrell Collab?!"

G: "Ohhhhh. We keep saying we are going to do it. But we still haven't. We are pretty good friends with the girls. They live close-"
Y/N: "So basically you just got to get your shit together and COLLABBBBB!"
G: "Yeah pretty much."
Y/N: "What's the hold up? Are y'all not interested in collaborating. Cuz they seem down to collab."
E: "No it's not that. I mean there is a bit of hesitation because we have different challenge styles...."
Y/N: "But they collabed with Kian and JC who do insane challenges. So y'all can too! So get it together! The fandoms need it! The ships."
E: "Okay, okay, we'll try and make it happen."
Y/N: "Good."

G: "What's a weird food combination that you enjoy?"
Y/N: "Chicken Nuggets and Sprite."

E: "How did you even come across that?!"
Y/N: "I was a kid. I went to one of those McDonalds bday parties. I'm clumsy. Dropped it in. I ate it. And I've at it since. Something about the way the nuggets texture changes when it get soggy satisfies me. The sprite gives it this carbonated bubbly taste."
G: "That's sooo weird."

Y/N: I know. Next question. Ethan!"
E: "Yeah?"
Y/N: "In the video with the switching of phones...."

Y/N:"You texted your dad. What happened after?"
E: "Ohhh! I'm getting the cringe sweats again! Pretty much. He TRIED to help. But our dads super awkward with that stuff. He means well. Anyways it got pretty messy. He got under the impression that I got a girl pregnant."

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