Chapter 21

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Y/N: "Ahaaa Cameron stop! I CAN'T BREATHHH!" I wheezed.
C: "I'm serious Y/N!" She laughed
Y/N: "Cameron you're so funny and chill. I love it!"
C: "Thanks!"
Y/N: "You're welcome. I don't know how I was so intimidated by you."

C: "You were intimidated by me?" She asked shocked.
Y/N: "Yeah..." I admitted.
C: "I don't know why everyone's always intimidated by me at first? I've been told I have a resting bitch face. Also maybe because I'm quiet and people think I'm silently judging them."
C: "Ahaa. Well I'm not. Some people I mentally judge Not you."

C: "Wait no! The first few seconds we met I was judging. But that was because..ya know."
Y/N: "Ahaa yeah..."

Y/N: "Yeah. You're really cool. And are Queen in the fandom so I just wanted you to like me." I admitted.
C: "Well I do. Like you."

Y/N: "Aww Cameron I like you too!" I said pulling her into a tight bear hug.
C: "Not... much of a hugger.." she 'gasped for air'.
Y/N: "Ahaa stahp you're so extra!" I laughed.
Y/N: "Clearly Ethan's extraness is contagious." I added.

E: "Hey I heard that!" He said bursting into the room.
Cameron and I both jumped, scared by his entrance.

Y/N: "Ethan! Stop scaring me!"
Y/N: "Jeez can't you just let my heart beat at a normal pace when I'm around you for once."
E: "Wow Y/N... I didn't know I had that affect on you." He smirked.

Y/N: "Oh my gosh! That's not what I meant!" I groaned.
E: "It's what you said though." He said setting a box on the counter.

*Grayson walks in*

G: "Hey guys!"
Y/N: "Hey!" I said back.

Ethan nodded and Cameron waved.

G: "Oh, Y/N you met Cameron."
Y/N: "Yeah I did!" I smiled.

E: "Yeah. Grayson tell them to stop hitting on each other."

Y/N, C: "What?"

E: "I heard you guys. 'I like you' 'Awww I like you too' " he said imitating our voices.

Grayson had a confused face till he clued in.

Y/N: "Awww Ethan. Is somebody jealous?" I fake pouted.
Y/N: "Can't handle a little competition?" I teased.

Grayson and Ethan both instantly looked at each other. And Ethan smirked while Grayson looked alarmed. They must be doing their twin telepathy thing.

E: "Believe me Y/N. You don't even know the half of it." He chuckled.
Y/N: "What does that even mean?" I asked.

Before he could reply. Grayson spoke,
G: "It's okay. Don't worry about it."
Y/N: "I hate it when you guys do your twin telepathy. It's so annoying."
C: "I know right. They do it all the time."
G: "Anyways........"

G: "Sorry we took long. What did you guys do while we were gone?"
Y/N: "Just chilled and talked."
C: "Also thanks for texting me that she was here." She said sarcastically.
G: "Sorry I forgot." He said scratching the back of his neck.
C: "Yeah I didn't know. And when I saw her I thought-"
Y/N: "No! Don't tell the story." I interrupted.

G: "What story?"
Cameron started laughing.
C: "C'mon Y/N. It's kinda funny."
E: "Tell it!"
Y/N: "Fine go ahead." I gave her permission.

Cameron went ahead and told the story of how we met.

E: "Wait, so you thought she hooked up with...GRAYSON?!"

C: "Yes. In my defence. Her hair was a mess, she was in Grayson's shirt, and was leaving his room. All signs pointed to it"
Grayson started aggressively blushing.

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