Chapter 24

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I kept hearing the mantra in my head as I walked out down the hallway to the elevator where Ethan was waiting.
He nodded when he saw me.

E: "You took a while. Let me guess, when you got there you forgot what you went there for?"
Y/N: "No, I was just talking to Vanessa."
E: "About what?" He asked as he pressed the button to call the elevator.
Y/N: "Lilo and Stitch."
E: "That's random."
Y/N: "Trust me, it's more relevant to me right now than you think."
The elevator doors opened and he motioned for me to enter first.

I stepped in and stood in the left corner. I was very stiff. My fists clenched. My thighs instinctively pressed firmly together.

He pressed the button for the lobby. And stood on the opposite side of the elevator in the right corner. Good I need my space from him.

All that was heard was the corny elevator music.

I gripped my backpack strap tightly. I was internally panicking. Just his presence made me uneasy now. I bit my lip down as flashes of that elevator scene in 50 Shades popped up in my head.

No Y/N! Clean thoughts!

Then the stupid Hoeana chant came in.

E: "Look who's being awfully quiet this round in the elevator." He said interrupting my thoughts.

He was mocking the last time when I teased him.

Last time he didn't have to deal with someone standing there, where their mere presence was so seductive it makes you quake in nervousness.

Y/N: "I'm not being quiet."
E: "Well what do you call standing in silence?"
Y/N: "I'm just....thinking."
E: "Thinking about wha-"

Your dick.
Flashbacks of you saying you would punish me.
Us fucking in this elevator.

Y/N: "Nothing." I answered abruptly cutting him off.
E: "Y/N, why are you being so weird all of sudden. What's gotten into you?"

I wish it was your dick.

Y/N: "Nothing."
Y/N: "I'm ffff fine."
E: "Why are you stuttering?"
E: "Do I make you nervous?"
He asked stepping out of his corner towards me.

Y/N: "Pshh no."
E: "I think I do." He said stepping closer.

E: "Do you know what else I think?"
Y/N: "What?"
E: "I think.." he grabbed both my hands and held them above my head with one of his hands.

E: "That you weren't thinking of 'nothing'." He pressed his body right against mine.
E: "That your mind was traveling was traveling to a....dirty place."

My breath hitched. And I bit down harder on my lip.

E: " I could see it in your face. Your inability to stand still. Pressing your thighs close together, to try and...relieve some of the pressure."
E: "How hard you're biting down on that beautiful lip...." He ran his thumb across my lip. I instantly released my teeth's grip on it.
E: "To hide your facial expression."

E: "You were probably having flashbacks of me threatening to punish you. Now tell me Y/N, did you like the sound of that? Did that affect you?"
Y/N: "No." I lied.
E: "There's no point in lying to me. Y/N."

Fuckkk the way he says my nameeeee.

E: "You're body's kind of snitching on you. The goosebumps growing on your arms tell me otherwise." he said running his hand lightly up and down my arms.
E: "Now tell me the truth."
Y/N: "Yyyyes." I stuttered.
A smirk instantly appeared on his face.
E: "I knew it."

E: "I'm sure that's what has you all distraught. You didn't expect that from me, did you?"
Y/N: "No."
E: "I'm sure you didn't know that side of me." He said, tilting his head to the side.
E: "Let me tell you something Y/N.." he brought his lips to my ear.

E: "There's a lot you don't know about me." He whispered.
E: "Still got nothing to say?"
E: "I'm sure you were still 'just thinking'."

E: "Were you thinking of me fucking you right here in this elevator?"

I gasped.

CAN THIS MAN READ MINDSSS?! I need to filter my thoughts.

E: "You were, weren't you!" He chuckled.
E: "Clearly there's a lot about you I don't know either."

E: "Clearly a naughty side."
E: "I'd love to meet her. You seem to be fighting really hard to keep her locked up."

E: "Don't fight it." He whispered his breath hitting my neck.

My necks my weak my spot. I closed my eyes tightly.

E: "Unfortunately, I can't fuck you here right now. Our elevator rides almost over. But, I've always offered you the option."

E: "And I always will... Just say the word Y/N, and what's down there...." he said firmly pressing his crotch into mine.


E: "Is all yours...."

E: "Y/N! Are you gonna come out?"

I opened my eyes and Ethan was standing outside of the elevator door.

Wait did I imagine that again?!

Y/N: "Oh...uh yeah? Sorry. I guess I... zoned out."
E: "It's okay."
E: "I'm sure you were 'just thinking of nothing'." He smiled.
Y/N: "Yeah- Wait what?"

I stepped out and we walked out of the lobby. He held the door open for me. We walked into the parking lot towards his car.

He pressed the button and his car beeped signalling it unlocked. He pressed another button, and his remote spoke,
'Child Safety Removed.'

Child safety lock? The fuck? I shrugged not bothering to question it.

When we got to the car he came around to my side. He opened the door for me.

Y/N: "Thank you."
E: "You're welcome."
I slowly stepped into the car.

E: "Rememebr what I said. Don't fight it."

And with that he closed my car door.


I didn't imagine it!



I THOROUGHLY AM SHOOK WRITING THISSS! I CAN'T BREATH IM SHAKING! Those Ethan scenes feel to real while I'm writing them! This mans needs to stop playing mind games with her and making her think she's crazy!

Hope you liked it. Comment your thoughts I love you
~ethansapplecream 🍏

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