Chapter 2

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(Your point of view)

After I left Yugi and his friends I fell asleep right away. I dreamt of my past and how I almost told them what happened to me. I never do that.


A five year old version of me was playing in the yard. My dad came out and said "Look at what you've done! You made such a mess! Get over here!"

I slowly walked over to him and he beat me. For weeks I had a black eye. People asked me what happened but I told them I fell and hit the corner of my table.

End of flashback...


A three year old me was sleeping peacefully one night when i heard screaming. I walked to my parents room to see my mother dead and my dad holding a bloody knife.

He said "You won't tell anyone about this or else you die."

I ran back into my room and climbed in under my sheets. I cried myself to sleep that night.

End of flashback...

(Seto's point of view)

'Something was off about that girl. The way she dueled. She barely showed any emotion, I know how that works. For the longest time that's how I was. Something had to have happened to her when she was young. Then tonight she said something about her father. Maybe he abused her?'

'This is so frustrating, I hate not knowing everything.' I kept thinking when I figured out that I should go to sleep. After a while I finally did.

(Your point of view)

You were now awake, unable to relive anymore memories. Your mind drifted to Kaiba and his backstory.

You thought 'What an awful childhood he had...'

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