Lies v.s manipulation

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When people think about manipulation they immeadiatly think evil and dishonest.

I've tried to tell people that the relationship between lies and manipulation is like the relationship between a square and a rectangle. No one ive explained this to agrees.

You can manipulate a persons thoughts with lies, that is true, but not all manipulation is lying to someone. If you think about it, nearly everything you do and say in front of other people is a form of manipulation. If you tell a joke a person laughs. Cause and effect.

When people think that manipulation is deceitful and that it is evil because of this they are either misinformed by someone else or lying to themselves because they are angry with something they fear about being manipulated for evil purposes (which can happen).

The part people see as evil is when a person understands what reactions their actions will cause and uses their knowledge of others to their advantage. This is not always bad, but it can be.

I mean, take sociopaths for (an extreme) example. sociopaths usually have great skill for manipulation. I am not trying to glorify sociopaths. All I am saying is that being a sociopath makes a person very clever and tuned in to the emotions of others. This is how they often convince a great number of people into doing some very bad things. This is an example of evil manipulation.
Someone who does not lie, but still is very in tune with the mental states of others is likely to manipulate people and situations constantly. If this person has bad intensions, they are probably going to manipulate others i n an evil way. If they have good intensions like improving a situation they are probably going to manipulate others in a way that is positive.

Manipulation is not lying it is purely understanding cause and effect in another persons mind.

But then again I could be lying now. Trying to manipulate readers into buying my justification of the way I manipulate people. I could tell you I'm not, which is the truth but why the hell would you believe me? After all l could very well be a complete psychopath, in fact it's probable, i mean, hell, even I think I'm insane. I won't ask you to trust me because that would be hypocritical.

In fact I almost advise you not to trust me, because even though I know I'm being honest, you don't. Please don't trust me. One exception becomes a second, which becomes a third, and before you know it, it's a habit. Please protect yourself.

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