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I have way too much time on my hands. It's ridiculous. I'd like to hit a fast forward button and rush past the years in which nothing matters but grades (which are way too fucking easy for me).

Yet, I've not got enough time to cram everything I want into it. Its so shitty.

Things that would take me a short amount of time takes others so fucking long, and things I would take a quite a while on, others seem to whiz past it at 60mph

But that's not okay in this goddamn society. No child Left behind. It's such bullshit.

I have to reserve two whole years for learning Latin, when I could do it in 6 months.

I have to learn calculous? Why in hell would I do that when instead I could be spending longer on geometry and really working on my abilities there since my profession will involve a shit ton of that and never in my life will I ever have to do any calculous ever again?

What the fuck? I don't have time for it, and I have so much time. I have a good and boring 8 years and im being forced to waste it.

I'm not the only one in this position.

Some kids still don't know what to do with their lives at 15 years old! Shouldn't that be a focus for students? Would it not be a good goal for kids to have a damn good and realistic idea of what they want to do at 12 or so?

Maybe I'm just talking crazy because I don't know what it's like to have that "horrible teenage stage." I don't know.

I just don't think wasting other people's time is okay. I hate wasting time.

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