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Relationships are hard for me.

I don't like people so much.

I don't need friends.

I don't trust anyone.

My peers all have much different mindsets and views on the world and society than I do.

Guys don't like me.

I get in a romantic relationship with a guy and they're into it... right up until I tell them I'm asexual. Then, they want to break up. Go figure.

I am a brutally honest kind of person. I try to tell it like it is. Most people say they like that in a person, and they legitimately think they do, but they actually don't. They don't like it at all.

I don't understand people who do dumb shit to waste their time instead of taking charge of their future. People really don't like being called out on shit like that.

I hate personal pity parties. Apparently a good friend participates in those. I'm not a very good friend in that regard.

I'm not going to change my behavior because someone else disagrees with me.

Fuck relationships. Fuck people. What's the point anyway?

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