So dangerously different

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I grew up fast because the adults around me hadn't.

My peers arent like that. Most of them dont care about their future. They dont try to succeed. If only they'd seen what I have.

But that's the problem, isn't it? They have seen it. Its everywhere. I can't tell myself oh, they just dont know, its not their fault. Because that's a lie.

They've seen homeless people downtown. They've heard the stories of 14year old parents. They have met a 30 year old through a McDonalds window.

To say that these people just dont know that this is a real thing that can happen is just silly.

So why dont they care? How can they stand getting ds in school and not planning a damn thing? I can't understand it.

Something about having that future as a possiblity for their future must not be registering. Are they in denial?

I dont understand.

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