Let me be productive

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To all the people that say they care about me, but tell me the way im living is wrong, even though all im doing is making sure i dont end up like them.

Why not?

Quit saying I'm wasting my time.

I promise I won't miss it. If I do, then fine. You win. I wasted all my time.

My brain just doesn't work like yours. You know that. Why can't you see that this is a side effect of that?

I dont like to waste my hours on those things that you believe make "quality memories."

Whats the point when I have no interest in those things?

All I want to do is be productive.

Yes, sure, I do like the idea of freedom, but the kind of freedom you're talking about is different than the kind I'm talking about.

Childhood freedom is where youre free to play and dilly dally when and how you wish. I dont care for that shit. I dont want to play. I want to be free to function and work. I want to think and speak. I am useless as a human that is young and spends all my time playing and being useless. I need to be useful.

I'm not wasting my Time preparing myself for the future. What memories am I missing?

I dont care.

I'm serious. If you think I'm too serious then I apologize, but I dont mean it, really. I think it is helping me to be successful.

Maybe I will do better than you did in your lives.

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