Accusations Begin

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"And then I grabbed his arm and twisted it around his back, easiest turtle I ever won," Jon said, making Jess throw her head back and laugh at that ridiculous story Jon just spewed

She was sitting with Joe and Jon at the catering area's seating, just talking while she waited for Colby's match to finish

Then things felt heavy and Jon and Joe seriously looked at her

"Look Jess," Jon began

"We love you," Joe continued

"But," Jon said, looking at Jess, a person he considered his best friend since they met

"We wanna talk to you, and we know you won't take this well, um," Jon tried, taking her hand in his

"Could you guys just tell me?" She said, confused

"Colby's cheating on you," Jon said, Roman heaving a deep sigh and nodding

Jessica began laughing, thinking they were joking, only for Jon and Joe to share a look, telling her they weren't joking. She immediately stopped laughing and pulled her hand from Jon's

"How could you two make up such a story? How could you two want to hurt me. I thought we were friends," Jessica said, tears starting to brim from her eyes

"Jessie," Jon said said, leaning his forehead against hers, a move that was meant to show he would never hurt her, she looked into his equally blue eyes and saw truth and sympathy

"How could he do this?" Jess said, breaking down into tears, causing Jon to quickly bundle her up in his arms and sigh sadly

"I'm so sorry," he whispered while Joe growled

"I'm gonna kill him," he said, standing up

Jon quickly grabbed the angry Samoan's hand to stop him and he shook his head, shifting his eyes to where Jess was soaking his grey tank top in tears

Joe opened his mouth to argue but a hard look from Jon had him sitting back down

"Who is she?" Jess asked, in a sob

Jon contemplated telling her

"Zahra Schreiber," he finally said

"NXT," Joe elaborated

"It's all gonna be okay, hey," Jon said, pushing her away slightly and wiped her cheeks

"Look, hey, look at me, when you break up with him, you can stay with me okay?" Jon promised

Jessica sniffled

"I can't break up with him Jonny, I need him," she said, clutching his shirt as she began crying again

"You can't just stay with him," Jon replied, rubbing her back

"I need him Jon, I can't live without him," she insisted

Jon didn't say anything, just kept rubbing her back, and Joe sat, fuming, he hated when his family was hurt

When Colby's theme song hit, signalling the end of the match, Jess got up and went to the guerrilla to wait for him, she wiped under her eyes and forcedly smiled as he walked through the curtains and saw her, he smiled and walked over to kiss her lips

She pushed back the urge to throw up and returned his kiss

"Good match angel," she said, rubbing his bicep

"I had to impress my girl, she was watching tonight," he said, stroking her chin

Jessica couldn't help but wonder which girl he was talking about

"I gotta go get showered, I'll meet you in catering?" He asked, she faked another smile and nodded

She hoped Jon and Joe were still in catering. But she knew no matter what Colby did, she'd never leave him, she'd loved him so long, she couldn't afford to lose that man

And before she knew it, the tears started streaming down her face before she made it to Jon or Joe

'How could he do this to me?' She wondered, wiping her tears and breathing deeply so when Colby met her, he wouldn't think she had been crying and she pridefully walked down the hallway to catering

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