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@wwerollins where am I? On a beach, with the most amazing woman in the world @JustJess on our honeymoon, doesn't get better than this😍😉❤

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@wwerollins where am I? On a beach, with the most amazing woman in the world @JustJess on our honeymoon, doesn't get better than this😍😉❤

"Hm, good morning baby," she called rolling over to kiss him, just as he had pressed post on the photo they had taken yesterday

He smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, this was actually perfect

"I need to go down to the store and pick up some strawberries and whipped cream for tonight," she said seductively, letting her hand slide down the tresses of hair that his body had, she honestly loved it

Colby groaned as she got up, naked from their activities yesterday night and put on her clothes, opening the door and leaving

Colby stayed in bed and smiled as he looked around, he was in Bora Bora, on his honeymoon, with the woman he loved, what was better than this? He couldn't even fathom anything better

He smirked and decided to do something sinister to Jess, he opened the camera on his phone and snapped a scandalous picture, typing a quick message and sending it to her

He clicked his tongue in satisfaction and got up, going to make some breakfast for both of them

Jess had just gotten the strawberries and whipped cream, she also picked up some caramel syrup and champagne when her phone dinged in her back pocket

She pulled it out, her eyes widened, and she gasped, quickly going into an aisle as she stared at the picture that was looking back at her

She pulled it out, her eyes widened, and she gasped, quickly going into an aisle as she stared at the picture that was looking back at her

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From: Angel😍🔐💍
Hurry back J, I'm getting lonely😉

Jess bit her lip and quickly switched off the phone, quickly paying for the items and speeding back to the villa

"Colby Daniel Lopez!" She yelled as soon as she opened the door of their vacation home, he jumped then smirked at the warning in her voice

"Why hello Jessica Noelle Lopez," he replied as she marched into the kitchen and up to him, pushing him against the fridge and pretty much ravaging his mouth

He moaned as she kissed the spot right below his ear, that was his sweet spot and she knew that

"Bed now." She ordered, before she sunk her teeth into his collarbone and he gasped, closing his eyes, and with shaky hands, picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. This would be the first of many rounds that day

Now it was dinner time and Colby ordered in. Jess was waiting by the fire when she got a facetime call from Jon

"Hey," she answered

"Oh thank god, I called last night, I swear you and Colby go at it like bunnies," he said playfully rolling his eyes

"What's up?" She asked, pulling her knee up

"I just called you to tell you that the day you guys left, I asked Toni out. And I asked her to be my girlfriend this morning," he said and Jess had the biggest smile on her face

"That's awesome Jonny!" She cheered and her grin widened when Toni sat down near Jon and smiled, waving to her

"Hey T," Jess greeted with a big smile as Colby came back and pressed a kiss to her temple as he sat down, shirtless and he waved at the couple on the screen

Jess smiled as Colby pressed the volume up button on her phone and the wedding ring on his finger shone

"Double date soon?" Toni asked and Jess immediately nodded

They spoke for a little while again and then Jess and Colby ate dinner

You're welcome for that pic. Seth is so hot I swear😍💦

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