Am I Drunk? Or In Love?

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-1 week later-


"Jess, I need to talk to you!" She heard from the other side of the door

She put down the pen and rubbed her eyes, taking a deep breath before she opened the door and saw Colby standing there on the other side of the door

His brown eyes seemed nearly lifeless as he looked at her, his normally tanned skin was paler and his eyes were sunken in and red like he had been crying

"I need to talk to you." He slurred, looking into Jess' eyes

"Colby, are you drunk?" She asked incredulously

"Tipsy. Not drunk," he replied as he staggered in and Jess put out her arms to catch him in case he fell

"Angel, just sit down okay," she said, helping him to the couch while he just stared at her

"You called me angel." He said looking at her

"I know," she replied with a smile

He shook his head and sat down

"I'm a hypocrite," Seth said, putting his head in his hands

"I fucked what's her face. Then got mad at you when you kissed Jon. What kind of person am I?" He spoke

Jess opened her mouth to respond then

"A HYPOCRITE!" Colby yelled, throwing his hands up in the air

Jessica smiled and bit her lip, looking at him

"It's wrong of me to be angry at you for kissing Jon when I jumped into bed with-" he paused snapping his fingers

"Zahra?" Jess offered

"That's the one." Colby replied

"If you'll have me. I really would like to be with you again." Colby said, drunkenly smiling at her and really, how could she resist?

She smiled back and took his face in her hands and kissed him, smirking as he hungrily kissed back and she tasted the vodka on the tip of his tongue

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She smiled back and took his face in her hands and kissed him, smirking as he hungrily kissed back and she tasted the vodka on the tip of his tongue.

She smirked and leaned back, grinning at him, he smiled at her and leaned back in, kissing her and making her lie down on the couch, they resumed their kiss as his hand began travelling up her tank top

"Whoa there big boy," she stopped him with a chuckle

"You're drunk." She told him

"TIPSY!" He yelled, making her bite her lip again to hide her smile

"I'd prefer doing this when you're sober," she told him with a sweet smile

Colby stared at her a few minutes, before he sighed

"Fine," he told her before he lay back down on the large couch of her house which she kept

As she made a move to get up, Colby grabbed her and pulled her down on his chest and kissed her forehead

"Remember when we first moved in together when we were 19?" Colby began

"We slept on the sofa together because the apartment didn't have a bed." Colby said laughing at his own joke

"And remember that time when we were going to see the Guns N' Roses concert in Des Moines, and we started driving two days ahead of time and we slept in the car and ate nothing but junk food the whole weekend?" Colby said, adding to the memories, while Jess tightly cuddled to him and smiled as he kept reliving their best moments

The sound of Colby's voice soothed her and she felt her eyes closing and she smiled as he continued telling their stories while she gladly listened

"And remember when we were playing video games and you were in my Korn t-shirt that was two sizes too big for you. And one of my sweatpants that you had to roll up. And your hair was in a bun and you beat me in Street Fighter and you were on my lap, gloating in my face and you looked so pretty I just had to kiss you." Colby said to her, stroking her hair

"And when you left for LA and I came to your first concert, and when you sang 'Stand By You' and you couldn't keep your eyes off of me, and you dedicated that song to me." Colby said, looking at the ceiling with a smile as he kept stroking Jess' hair

"Or when I had my first WWE match and dedicated it to you."

"And for your dad's wedding and you looked so happy to see your dad and his new wife married, and you had said to me how you loved weddings, and I promised you one day I was gonna marry you." Colby said with a smile

"I do mean it Jess, one day I'm gonna marry-" he paused as he looked down to see Jess had fallen asleep on his chest. Served him right, he knew she fell asleep when someone played with her hair, yet he still did it. He smiled fondly and kissed her hair

"You." He finished his sentence then he looked down at where she lay and smiled

God, she was adorable when she slept. Hell, she was adorable all the time. He just quietly lay there for a few minutes, before he grinned

"I love you," he whispered and wrapped his arms around her waist and got comfortable, then followed in her path of sleep

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