He's Slowly Killing Me

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-2 Months Later- 

Jess looked at Colby as he tapped away on his phone, she was feeling antsy, it was killing her. He was killing her, the way his brown eyes would light up when his phone played his message tone, the way he would smile when he read whatever was on the screen 

Colby thought Jess didn't notice, and as much as she wanted not to notice, she did. And it wasn't the greatest feeling in the world, she felt her heart die, when he told her he loved her, knowing he had probably said it to another. Colby was killing her, and he didn't even know it. 

She sighed as she felt a tear dripping down her cheek, she quickly wiped it away and sniffled, making Colby look at her, as soon as he saw the expression on her face, he went closer and hugged her against his chest 

"Baby, are you okay? What's wrong?" he asked, oblivious to what was going on inside her mind at that very moment 

She wanted to scream at him, she wanted to shout everything that was bothering her and just walk out of this man's life, but she knew, she just couldn't, she sighed and built a wall so Colby wouldn't see 

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm good," she replied, pulling away from his arms and going to the kitchen, leaving Colby confused 

That was a feeling he was experiencing alot lately, confusion. Jess was acting strange and he tried to piece together why. There was no way she could have found out. She was being very distant, she stopped calling Colby 'angel' like she always did. Because in her heart, she knew right now, Colby was anything but an angel. She would flinch whenever Colby touched her, she stopped saying 'I love you' which really confused Colby because there was a time when they couldn't go 10 minutes without one of them saying they loved each other. But Jess knew, love changes, and people change and there was nothing she could do about it. 

She still loved Colby dearly, and still couldn't find it in herself to walk away. He would give her a million reasons to walk away. Then he would give her one really good reason to stay. He played the game like a pro. She knew about the affair, she did. And she really didn't want to stay, but she couldn't help herself. This was a man, she had loved since she was 18 years old. That's 13 freaking years. And they've been together for 6 years. Was he honestly tired of her? Did she mean anything to him anymore? Did he even still love her? She didn't wanna know the answer, she honestly didn't. Jess also knew she was hurting herself by staying with this man, but what else was she supposed to do? Colby was everything she'd ever known, her home wasn't only 4 walls, her home was 2 brown eyes and a heartbeat. It pained her to know like she'd walk away from this man that she promised to love forever. And what hurt her the most was that in the end, if she did walk away, she would be broken into a million crying pieces and he'd be just fine. 

She truly knew what pain was like. She'd felt it her whole life. To when her dad left her mom. To when her little sister was diagnosed with cancer. To having her heart broken by Colby once, and now him completely ripping her heart out and handing it to another woman. 

When she honestly sat and thought about it. She felt it hard to breathe. She wasn't his only anymore. She loved him and he left. He was still around, but now, he was just a ghost floating around. He was trying to hide it as best he could from Jess, she knew he didn't wanna hurt her by letting her know. But, she saw through him and what she saw kept her awake at night. She didn't know this man that currently lay in the bed with her. This man wasn't who she fell in love with. This man, was not Colby Lopez, this man, was Seth Rollins. 

And as she felt his front press against her back and his muscled arm wrap around her waist, there was only one thought that ran through her mind 

'He's slowly killing me'


Author's Note 

Sorry about the time skip, but it would've just drug on so you know lolz 

Hope you're enjoying!





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