Piece By Piece

470 18 15

Jess watched Colby doing pushups as her mind raced 

It had been two weeks, and Jess was having trouble figuring it out, she needed a concept for her new album, Jon was upset with her since she refused to leave Colby. She wished he understood what Colby meant to her 

"So I need to tell you something," Colby said, hand on his waist, looking at her 

"I don't like anything to be complicated, but I want you to know that whatever you hear about me, it's not true, and I love you babe," he told her, clasping her cheeks in his hands, she smiled forcedly 

"You too," she replied 

Ever since she spoke to Jon and Joe and they told her that Colby was cheating, she found it extremely hard to tell Colby that she loved him. I mean, could you blame her? 

Colby picked up on her weird behaviour, but he let it slide and instead smiled and continued with his workout 

Jess was always peaceful, she never liked confrontation, she could if need be, but she always tried to avoid it. How could Colby do this to her? What had she been doing wrong? Was she not here enough? Was she suffocating him? Why would he do this to her? Why would Colby hurt her? She didn't deserve this.

Later, she sat in her music room alone, in tears. Colby had gone out to the 'supermarket' and Jess didn't even want to know where he actually went 

She sniffled and decided the concept of her new album, would be heartbreak, how could Colby hurt her like this? Rip out her heart when all she was trying to do was love him. She buried her face in her hands and cried, her shoulder racking with each sob that fell from her lips 

Kevin was whimpering as he looked at her, making her smile and pick him up into her arms and smile down at him, he whimpered and begin licking her face free of the tears

"Aw," Jess cooed, kissing his little head, before she stood up with him and walking downstairs to watch some TV, anything to get Colby off her mind for awhile 

She was in the middle of an episode of 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' when the door opened and her eyes fell on Colby, who walked in, beanie in his hands instead of on his head, and his arms swinging 

Jess' stomach dropped when she saw he didn't have any bags and she felt her heart shatter all over again 

"Weren't you going to the supermarket?" she asked, startling Colby who jumped and wide-eyed, looked at her 

"Oh um, they were closed so I just drove around a little, is that a problem?" he replied, playing innocent 

"No, no problem," she replied, quickly looking away from him and back to the TV, sighing, putting a chip into her mouth

Colby toed off his shoes and sat with Jess, making her lean into his chest as he wrapped a hand around her shoulders, she immediately lost her appetite, he smelt different, it wasn't his usual coffee and spice, it was something extra and it made Jess' stomach lurch, her eyes widened, quickly getting up and running to the bathroom as she emptied what little she ate that day, she felt Colby hold up her hair

"Are you okay babe?" he asked, still rubbing circles on her back 

She began feeling sick all over again, she was breathing deeply, meaning she smelt the scent on Colby, even stronger than it was before, she pushed away his hand and pushed past him, not in the mood for another stomach emptying, by being around him


Yeah, I changed the cover, I didn't like the other one, I really like this one though! 

Hope you're enjoying! 





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