Preference - Twins Catch Up

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Updates are getting slower and out of order cuz of school. So sorry.



Harry -
He calls you babe. From the start of the relationship, Harry has always called you that.

You also call him babe. Once you heard him call you that, you wanted to call him babe too. It just came natural to you two.

Sam -
He calls you princess. Sam has always been loyal to you and forever will be no matter what. So he likes to call you his princess.

You call him freckles. You love the freckles that adorn Sam's face, even though he can get a bit insecure about them. You once tried to count every single one of them but just ended up kissing him. Sometimes you'll call him Prince Charming since you're his princess.

Type of Relationship:

Harry -
Your relationship is very supportive and fun. You both share lots in common interests, which means hours of just talking and laughing together. Harry teaches you things and you do the same. You and Harry are always looking for new adventures and working together.

Sam -
You two have been best friends your whole lives, so when you started dating, things just got better. You guys do everything together and talk every single day. It's hard just going an hour without each other. You're an inseparable couple.

Favorite song:

Harry - "Smile" by The Royal Concept
Because you know, he's a photographer. Get it.

Sam - "Another Day of Sun" by The La La Land cast
After watching the movie, Sam learned to play the song on the piano, and ever since it's been your favorite song.

Cuddles & Sweet Nothings:

Harry -
Harry travels around and works a lot so you two don't have too much lone time together. But when you do, it's usually spent cuddling and catching up. Sometimes, it can get stressful being apart but you know it's worth it.
He runs a hand through your hair and whispers, "I love you so much it hurts."

Sam -
Because the Holland fandom is continuing to grow and more fans are starting to notice Sam, you sometimes worry if he'll leave. Of course, he pulls you close to his chest and comforts you.
He kisses you forehead, mumbling, "I won't let anything happen to us."

Disney World:

Harry -
He surprised you with a trip to Disney World as a birthday gift. You were over the moon excited, since Disney was your favorite. Upon arriving, you bought a few costumes to dress up as characters and walk around in. Some kids thought you were the actual character and asked for pictures, which of course you obliged. At the end of the night, you and Harry ate lots of snacks and took pictures of the fireworks.

Sam -
The Hollands had an extra ticket to Disney World and allowed Sam to ask you to come. It took some convincing, but your parents agreed to let you go. At which you and Sam were very grateful for. When you all go there, you and Sam immediately went on the rides with Paddy tagging along. The day was full of laughs, getting lost, and a whole lot of candy for you and Paddy. At the end of the night, Sam asked you to be his girlfriend officially.

Late nights:

Harry -
Whenever you two are still fighting jet lag and stay up all night, you spend most of the time watching movies. However, the movie just ends up in the background as you guys laugh over things on social media. It's especially fun when you tweet the boys with comebacks.

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