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This song speaks for the main character 'Beautiful'

Mad world-Jasmine Thompson version



There are sad stories with sad beginnings and some has sad endings while others get sad by the time passing but mine is well.... You'll see by yourself!!

The day of my birth was one of the darkest days in history, and people kept reminding me of that every single day of my life.

My mother Clarissa got in a car accident when she was just seventeen and since that accident she lost her voice and she became mute. But my father loved her and stood by her side ever since they met and supported everything she did even in one of the worst decisions she has ever made like bringing me to life!! When she was pregnant the doctors said that she must give up on me or they might lose her but as one of the most loving mothers in this world she said no and stood against everyone just to keep me and to give birth to me.

The doctors said that the second I was born they gave me to my mother to see me and that's when a miracle happened, she said one word, and one word only 'Beautiful'... Then she was dead in the next few seconds!

That's why my father named me 'Beautiful'. I loved that she thought of me like that even though she knew she won't stay alive long after bringing me to life. That name reminds me every day that I had a mother who loved me and gave up on herself to give me life when she only held me for a few seconds!

But as the name has one good memory it has so many bad ones full of pain and humiliation!! At school everyone calls me 'Ugly' and humiliate me making some hurtful jokes just because I had such name and because they think I'm my mother's killer!

Those people were the reason I go back home every single day running straight to my room to cry on my pillows. People has treated me like that since I was born and now I'm almost seventeen and I'm still treated in that same awful way. But luckily I knew how to hide all that from my father! He loved me more than any father can love his children and I didn't want to make him suffer with me so the only thing to do was create lies!

Now it's time to describe myself!! I'm very shy, I have a long black hair that goes down under my lower back, I've got dark green eyes like forest trees, my skin is a very pale shiny shade of white! I'm not too skinny but I'm slightly curvy!! I see myself as a girl with normal beauty but I think others see beauty in a different way!!

I'm a good student with grades that can only be described as glorious, or at least that's how dad used to describe them!! The reason I don't stand for myself and accept being treated like trash and abused is because I wanted to pass these years without troubles and go to a good collage and make my father proud!! He worked really hard to give me all I needed and without my mother around it was harder for him to be a single father and raise me all by himself.

He used to say that my mother was the sweetest person he had ever met in his life, she was kind and she loved everyone, she used to see the good in people that they can never see in themselves. I had pictures of her, and I even had ones of when she was pregnant! She was more than a beautiful woman, she was stunning, and you can even see the love and warmth in her eyes through the silent pictures! I really wish that she was still there with us but in the same moment I came, she left...... It's really hard to accept that but that's what destiny had for me and unluckily it had more for me in the future!!

My life changed entirely in one night, just one night and everything become totally different!!!!


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