Part 20- Confessions

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Rockstar-Sofia Karlberg cover




I smiled and just looked at him. If it was in another situation I would have looked creepy and I would have moved my gaze away from him but this time I didn't care!!

He let go of my forehead and seemed to heave and internal fight with himself to let go of my hand then he stood up and looked down at me.

"You can go back to sleep, I have to go and talk with my knights!!"

My eyebrows furrowed "About what!?"

"Their punishment!!"

I sat up fast looking like a maniac and eyed him carefully

"You can't punish them for no reason!! How the hell would they have known that I was the one they were looking for when I was trying to keep it to myself!!? It's not their fault!! And if you're their king you should be fair and know that they did nothing wrong and they actually have been really nice and good!! God, they're my only friends!! Pleased don't hurt them! Please"

He looked down at me with a blank face and his expressions softened once again as he pressed his lips together and nodded making me sigh in relief then I looked up at him

"Are you going to tell me what's been happening to me this past week!?"

He nodded and sat back in the bed. He sat straight and hardened his expressions to be ready and say everything!

"A man must have come to you a few days ago and made you drink his blood-..."

"Wait, wait, wait!! No man tried to make me drink his blood! I think everything started when I was walking in a deserted road through the forest and a man attacked me and made me drink something from a small bottle!! And I'm sure it didn't taste like blood!! Then he vanished!!"

His eyebrows furrowed "That explains a lot... Ok! Don't panic but what you drank was definitely blood, his blood! We've been chasing this man for years now not knowing that he was dying!! He was a man of power and had a high place in our society!! We discovered a while ago that he's the killer of my uncle and started chasing him. When he gave you his blood he made you one of us and gave you his powers with it!! My knights found his body in the woods a couple of days ago and that's when we realized that he gave his blood to someone!! As this person is new, untrained and holds some enormous strange power, he or she became our new target, a very dangerous creature!! And this person is you!!"

"Then why didn't you kill me last night!?"

I hugged my knees to rest my head on them while I looked down at his hand on his knees!

"I'll never kill my mate or even try to hurt her!"

He sounded offended and I chuckled. I was right, that's what I meant for him!! A burden of a mate that he didn't have the choice to choose!!

"And now tell me what I am..."

I wasn't stupid and I already knew what I've become but I wanted him to say it and confirm my crazy suspicions!!

"You're a vampire!!"

I laughed and looked at his hands not lifting my head to look at him!

"Fucking great!! A burden of an unwanted mate and a fucking vampire too!! Why my nightmare of a life got worse out of nowhere!? Who cares, at least it got worse not stayed the same!! A change is always appreciated!"

The Best LiarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang