Part 11- Alarm Bells

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Alarm- Anne Marie




I stood up with the same blank expressions and left the lunchroom. I had a free period then a French lesson so I sat at an empty table and kept reading my book taking my mind off everything!!

I spent my entire life thinking of consequences and how to run away, but now I was going to stand and wait for whatever is coming! Those new boys had on them the scent of the person who followed me but I believe it wasn't their smell, it was as if they were in physical contact with the owner of the smell that his scent stuck slightly to them but it didn't initially belong to them.

But that meant they met this person and he might be related to them which makes them a danger and that I should put some distance between us!!

I didn't want to know what they were after or what this person was after and I definitely didn't want to know who they all were, I just wanted to stay in peace and away from everyone!!

But that was impossible considering I had a talent to attract the attention of all the trouble makers in the world, I groaned in annoyance as I smelled Seth's scent coming closer to me and he sat next to me again, ignoring him became harder as he started talking!

"From what you said I believe you know about Rees's plans! That's why I'm here to tell you that I'm out of his plan now, and I want to ask you out just because I want to, not because I have to!"

I closed my book sighing and moving my hair out of my face. I turned to him and he waited for my response

"I already told you that I forgive you, you don't need to do this-..."

He interrupted me "But I want to!!!"

"Ok! Will you stop following me if I say yes?" He nodded a smile decorating his face "Ok then, meet me after school, I have to go somewhere first then you can take me to anywhere you want!!"

He smiled wider standing up "Ok, see you later!!"

He was about to walk away then he stopped and looked back at me "You don't have class now!?"

"Free period!"

He looked confused "But I remember we have English class together now!!"

"No we don't!"

I returned to my book and he shrugged and left. I spent the entire hour trying to stop myself from thinking of anything but old habits die hard and I gave up at the end and opened up to the huge amount of thoughts and doubts!

These new boys made alarm bells ring in my head and there was something really weird about them, I took a deep breath but I was met with neither their scent nor anyone else's!!

It was like they don't leave a trail of odor behind them and I was only able to catch their scents in the lunchroom when they were next to me, but how is that even possible when I can smell Seth's scent from the classroom at the other side of the school!! They were like ghosts, some mysterious good-looking ghosts!!!

Their presence didn't make me feel in danger but it also didn't make me feel safe!! There was something really weird and disturbing about them, if my table wasn't the only empty one I would have said they wanted to attract my attention, they -of course- didn't know I'll hear their shared thoughts though!!

Then I got an idea... I opened my laptop and looked into the school's security cameras' records to the time when they arrived to the lunchroom! I looked around the place and found that not just my table was empty, there were several other empty tables but they walked directly towards mine stalking me like I was their target!!

When I froze the video and zoomed it to see their faces they had the same identical expressions blank, icy and emotionless!!

But as I worked my memory I became confused, they looked friendlier when I was sitting next to them!! They poked my curiosity even more and now I was sure that I wanted to know what they want from me! That's it I couldn't keep pretending that I didn't care anymore, because I cared a lot and I was also a little intimidated!!

I hacked into the school's systems and looked for their timetables and my eyebrows furrowed together unattractively!!

They had the same timetable I had a few days ago, if I didn't change it they would have been in my face all day long!!!



Tell me what do you think of what's going on!!!

What do you think those attractive newcomers are after!!?

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Love you all****

The Best LiarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora