Part 10- Hot Hallucinations

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I'm Gonna Show you Crazy- Bebe Rexha (Harley Quinn)




I returned to my world of peace and left them to kill themselves over what makeup will impress the new boys!
How the hell can they be sure of how someone would be like when they've never met them?!

I closed my eyes and sat there silently as the teacher didn't give a shit if I was listening or not. Time passed by slowly and peacefully and I enjoyed chewing my refreshing gum in a slow pace with my mouth shut! I left the classroom when the bell ran and closed the book I was reading as walked through the crowded hallways.

People didn't shut up for a second all of them drowned in the topic of the boys that were going to come today but they were all disappointed as lunchtime came and there was no sign of any new hot boys anywhere!!

I sat at my table and drank some juice reading my book until I smelled him coming!! Rees's friend stood in front of me trying to give me a seductive smile but I didn't even lift my eyes to look at him.

"Hey, Beautiful!!" He chuckled "I like your name, it's a compliment and a name at the same time!!"

I chuckled then went back to the blank emotionless unimpressed face. He was way too awkward to be tolerable.

"If you've finished you can go."

He sat next to me and was about to take a lock of my hair and play with it between his fingers but I cut him mid-air.

"Don't touch my hair!!"

He put his hand down and sighed then he said looking at me.

"Ok here's the thing, I want to apologize for everything I've done to you!! It's all because of Rees, from the very beginning. I mean he's stronger than us and richer than us and his hobby is to torture you!! Who are we to say no to him?!! And now as you've become able to stand for yourself against him and fight back I want to tell you that I'm sorry and I wish I can fix everything I've done, and as a start I want to invite you to our game tonight!! I'm going to play and win for you!!"

I turned my head taking off my sunglasses and looked at him with my wide green eyes as he just started back at them!

"Apology accepted! Now you can leave."

He shook his head to get himself out of a dream or something then he smiled widely at me.

"So you're going to come to the game tonight!!?"

"No! I accepted your apology but not your offer!! Now please leave me in peace!"

"I want you to accept my apology sincerely, not just to make me leave!!"

"How do you expect me to do that when you're not apologizing sincerely? I know a liar when I see one. Now leave before I start making threats!" I didn't like making threats to be honest.

"And what would you do huh!!? I came to apologize and you're talking to me like some queen or something! What makes you better than what I used to be?!"

I put my glasses back on as my eyes started to burn from the intensity of the sunlight!! I took a deep breath and took a sip from my juice then I looked up at his angry face

"Tell Rees that I won't go to the trip his father is going to pay for even if he sends his own father to ask me out!! Now stop wasting my time!"

He looked at me with wide eyes not believing what he just heard then he left without saying another word. I tried to get back to my peaceful atmosphere but it was a little hard as I felt my muscles tightening and my throat burning from thirst!! I drank some water and juice but it was in vain!!! I breathed deeply over and over and tried to take my mind of my throbbing throat and thank god it finally worked! I sighed in relief and got back to drinking my juice and reading my book.

Suddenly I was interrupted with the noise of the students gasping in shock and whispering among each other at the same time. Then a new smell hit my nose!

It was of a strong male's perfume, it smelled good but was so strong that it blocked all the other smells around me! I didn't understand how I didn't pick it up before now!! I took a deep breath to study the new smell and I froze in my seat.

Behind the good scent of perfume was a familiar odor... It was saltiness with a mixture of forest herbs and rain!! So I wasn't imagining that I was being watched! I was being watched for real and now this person is about to show himself!! I took another deep breath to get more details and found that the smell wasn't just for one person, I guess it was for five...!?

I sat there and kept myself still and read my book as I waited for the owners of the scent to enter the place and that's when two people sat at my sides and tree in the opposite bench of mine!!

I didn't make a reaction and concentrated on my book to not show that I know they were the ones watching me for an entire day!! And the table wasn't mine so anyone can sit there anyways.

There was something familiar in the feeling I got when this strangers sat at my table as if we've met before!! They might be students in the school that I never noticed before!! Then the closest two moved even closer to me and glued themselves to my sides.

That was enough and I closed the book abruptly and looked up at them in annoyance!

"The table is big enough to fit you both comfortably so please get off me!!"

I looked to the right to find a boy with pale shiny skin, large blue eyes and jet black hair, I turned my head from him to look at the one at my other side to find myself looking at the same person!! I turned my head from one to the other to make sure that my eyes weren't playing games with me.

They were wearing the same clothes and have the same hair style and everything but then I caught a single difference that was almost invisible!! One had two deep dimples while the other's dimples were fainter!!!

So they were twins and I wasn't hallucinating!!! I stopped looking between their smiling faces and looked at the three staring at us.

One had some hazel green eyes, light brown hair and shiny pale skin making his sharp face and masculine features softer!

Next to him sat a taller one with dyed dark blood red hair and light brown eyes, he had a symmetrical face with a sharp jaw line and shiny pale skin making his red hair look perfect on him!!

The last one at the side had crystal grey eyes and blond hair, his skin was identical to the rest of them, he had some softness to his features and some calming vibes!

My eyes studied them while they all stared back at me with the same deep eyes then I shrugged and opened back my book and returned to reading it ignoring their existence and the fact that two hot guys were glued to my sides and three more not so far away as well!! I sipped from my juice and continued reading when I heard the law voice of their thoughts!!

'She just ignored our existence entirely!'

'I'm feeling so insecure right now!!'

'Shut the fuck up Ash!!'

'No, you shut the fuck up Ace!!'

'God damn it, shut it both of you!'

'Guys, she seems quite normal, 'human' even!! I don't think she's-...'

He was cut off with another one talking!

'No, we can't be sure yet!! But she's the first on the list and we have others to check so focus!!'

I put my face in my hands and stared at the book on the table, if I wasn't in public I would have punched myself!!

I had two possibilities in front of me, the first was that I lost my mind entirely and started imagining things that has nothing to do with reality while the second one was that these five new comers were talking through each other's minds about 'me'! I really should stop drinking this cheap juice!!!



I'm in love with all of them!!! It's so exciting having them in the story!!

Love you all**********

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