Part 17- The Memory

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Pacify Her- Melanie Martinez

Love you all*****




I looked at them and found them looking back at me, eyes full with mixed feelings and then my eyes traveled towards Seth and I found his eyes red with unshed tears and full of regret! Ash was the one to break the silence!!

"Just tell me who's the one who told you that you have a mediocre voice and I'll kill him!!! I can't believe my ears!!"

I smiled sadly at him and looked down at my lap feeling a hand on my cheek, I looked up at Ace and he held me in a hug making me fall to the water next to him.

"Don't cry, beautiful angel!!"

I hugged him back and looked up at the cloudy sky to make the tears stop flowing out of my eyes.

I chuckled "It sucks being this weak!!"

"Having a heart doesn't mean you're weak-..."

I finished for him "-It means that you're still alive! My father used to say that to me all the time."

"He's a wise man then!"

He wiped my tears with his hand and I chuckled so he added lifting up our mood again.

"I know I know!! Now I want to tell you what I want you to do for me!!"


"You can just punch Ash for me!!"

They laughed as Ash whined! "Asking a girl to do a man's job, just because you can't do it doesn't mean that you should ask someone else to do it for you!!"

"Are you intimidated, Ashley!?"

"Oh shut up CC!! I'm not intimidated by Beauty!!"

I looked at him calmly "You should be!"

I swam until I was in front of him and shrugged then I clenched my fist and punched him across the face making his face turn to the side from the force of the swing!

Others stared at us while he held his cheek with his hand as his eyes gone wide in shock and his mouth hang open.

"Sh-she didn't..... Sh-she... Impossible!!"

"Possible, Ash!! Never underestimate a girl!!"

'Ash, say you were just acting to make her feel better!!'

'I fucking wasn't and my face hurts like hell!!'

'No guys he must be lying! It's impossible!!'

'Shut up all of you and let him talk!! Ash, did she or did she not hurt you!??'

'I'm not joking!! The punch hurt a lot,I think it broke my cheekbones and they're definitely not healing!!'

'But it's impossible!! She's just a human!!'

'She should be the one with a broken wrist after punching his face!!'

'I can't understand what just happened!! She looks normal, she smells normal and she feels normal but that was definitely abnormal!!'

'If she's 'the one' she won't be this strong!! If she's her she should be in her weakest now!!'

'We don't know that, the transformation is different from one person to another and I think she's hiding it from us pretty well!!'

'But she doesn't know what we are!!'

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