Part 12- Weddings

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Sugar- Maroon 5

I really didn't find the perfect song to relate it to this chapter so when you finish reading it I would love to hear your suggestions!!!

Love you all***




I closed my laptop putting everything in my backpack then I looked at the clock. A few minutes and the bell will ring so I wondered in the school's hallways and reached my next classroom! Students filled the hallways as the loud piercing noise of the bell irrupted through the school and as soon as the classroom was empty I entered and took my seat at the very back.

I closed my eyes and rested in my chair with my legs crossed over the desktop then I spread my senses around the school and waited to feel their presence!

I waited a few seconds until I was able to find them and I froze! They were coming closer to my classroom and they finally entered hitting me with their strong nose-torturing perfume!!

I didn't move or make any reaction as they took all the empty seats around me, not suspiciously whatsoever! I was being sarcastic by the way! Then I heard their thoughts again!

'She's so weird!!'

'Look who's talking about weirdness!!'

'Can you stop arguing for just one second!? We need to focus on her and stop messing around!!'

'Ok! But she seems asleep!!'

'I like her, she seems to not give a shit about anything!!'

'You say that about every badass girl you meet and in the end you know that you can't get her!! Or at least keep her for long! Now stop these stupid thoughts!!!'

'Ok, Ok! It was just a remark!'

I was about to hit my head on the wall behind me to make it stop hearing their weird stupid shared thoughts when I heard a normal heavily accented voice next to me!

A French accented masculine voice that can make any normal girl drool but not this girl!!

"Hi, do you have a pencil!?"

I didn't even open my eyes "Sorry, I don't use it!!"

"So you're awake!!"

"No I'm not!"

"And you're funny as well!!"

"I'm a part time clown!"

"Can I come and watch your shows?"

"Are you Justin Bieber?"

"No, I guess!?"

"Then you can't come!!"

I loosened my crossed hands and lowered my legs off the desk then I got out another chewing-gum from my pocket instead of the one in my mouth that lost its flavor.

I put it in my mouth and put the used one in the empty wrapper and with my good aim I threw it and it landed straight in the trashcan! I sat more comfortably and heard that voice again!!

"Nice aim! Can I have one of your chewing-gum!?"

"Are you Justin Bieber?!"


"Then no you can't have one!!"

I know it wasn't funny but he chuckled anyway making me laugh!!

I got out one and reached my hand from where the voice came and a hand caught it! It was like a shot of electricity that hit my hand the second his cold fingers touched mine! They were super cold!!

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