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The feeling- by Justin Bieber



'To my dear beautiful angel,

If you're reading this then something really bad has happened to me!! But I wanted to write this to remind you to stay strong! I know that I raised you to be a confident independent woman even though you're a little shy...... You're innocent like a little baby and pure like a newborn's tears! I'm afraid that leaving you alone is one of the hardest things you'll go through but believe me you can stand on your feet and fight; you have my genetics after all :) !! I don't want you to be send to an orphanage or feel like a burden in someone else's house so I willingly want you to keep living in our house by yourself and then go to university!! I've been saving some money for that and with everything it will be enough so you won't need to work while studying. Don't be upset or waste your precious tears my love! Keep making me proud and stay strong for us!!!

Your loving -and slightly annoying sometimes- Father.'

Mu eyes froze wide open leaking tears. He knew that I was weak but he believed that I can be strong!! God, I regreted never sharing my pain with him, but it might have been for the best otherwise he would have been really disappointed in me knowing that I couldn't even stand for myself, that I was always afraid of everything and everyone!! I hugged the paper and put my face in my hands. I felt Alexander patting my shoulder then he said in his usual warm voice.

"Things are happening so fast for you and you need time to rest and take everything in!! But you have to go back to school in two days!! Bella and I have been talking and we want you to come and live with us from now on!!"

"No, thank you for the offer but I want to stay here."

"Your father told me the same before but we can't just let you live alone, you'll be safer with us!!"

I wiped my tears with my hands and cleared my throat.

"It's really nice to know that you care but I prefer living here by myself!! Please tell Bella that I appreciate your offer and I don't want you to be concerned about me, I'll be fine."

He nodded and hugged me then he took his bag and left.

I sat in the living-room for some time then I looked at the clock. I should cook some dinner.

I walked slowly to the kitchen with aching feet but when I opened the fridge I found nothing to eat!! I looked around the kitchen and found nothing, my eyes traveled to the garbage can and I saw the big bag full of the clothes I tore apart.

I was going back to school in two days and my closet was almost empty!! I took my keys, my phone and wallet then left the house to go and buy some stuff.

I was tired and hungry which made me walk even slower than usual!!

I went to a clothes shop and just took some black tops, shorts, jackets and shoes then I went to buy some food.

By the time I finished grocery shopping it was already dark!! It must have been nine maybe, as the weather was a little chilly less and less people walked in the deserted roads!!

I was on foot and for my amazing luck I had to walk through a road in the forest with trees at both sides!! I did fear neither the darkness nor the emptiness, but I felt that I was being followed which is not good because if it's a serial killer or a wild animal I won't even have the energy to run away!!

Running away was the only thing I knew how to do as I spent my entire life running away!! But in this darkness and in my emotional and physical state I was sure that whoever was following me, he's going to have an easy meal!! I was a in no mood for running!!

I kept walking still feeling a pair of eyes following me. I was used to eyes trailing over me mostly in mockery but these eyes were intense and watchful! I looked around me but found nothing so I kept walking in silence.

I felt more relieved as I walked half the way back to my house and now another half to go just when something hard hit me from the side and knocked me to the floor!!

I felt like I was hit with a train but this thing that hit me was still on top of me!! All the bags fell to the floor and I hit the asphalt really hard I started smelling blood from my elbows!! Tears fell from my eyes as fear squeezed my heart.

Why I'm always the one on the floor, the one being beaten!?? I've been that person since I was born, I'm weak and pathetic, and I can't even fight back!!!

Then my dad's words started to slip into my head. '.....You have my genetics... I know I raised a strong independent woman... You can stand on your feet and fight... Stay strong for us....'

I took a deep breath and clenched my fists then I hit the thing on top of me.

I was going to stay strong for them!! Now, when I have nothing left to loose or anything to hide. Now I only have myself, and this world has never showed me any mercy!

This person on top of me didn't even move and then he got something closer to my face while his other arm covered my mouth.

His knee on my neck made it harder for me to breathe but there was a new feeling inside of me that kept me fighting and trying to push him off me.

He put his scold fingers on my cheeks and opened my mouth then the small glass bottle in his hand was emptied in my throat.

I tried to spit the thing out but he only tightened his grip on my cheeks almost breaking my jaw and cheekbones.

"Use it wisely..."

Those frightening cold emotionless words sent shivers up and down my spine as the thick disgusting liquid went down my throat and it started chocking me but I kept kicking with my feet and trying to free myself form him just when he was gone the same way he came!

His entire weight suddenly vanished and I was left laying on the side of the deserted roads with the trees as the only witnesses for what just happened!!


And this is how everything started..............

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Love you all*******

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