Part 13- Date, date and....... Surprise!!!!!

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Black Barbies- Nicki Minaj

Love you all*****




We left the car and he opened the back seat and got out his backpack then he got out of it a few ice-cream cans and two spoons!!

He locked the car and walked to me and gave me a spoon. I took the strawberry and chocolate chips ice-cream. He took the chocolate one and we walked to the end of the cliff to watch the water.

"Let's sit!! If you don't want to sit on the dirt I can give you my jacket to sit on it!!"

I shook my head at him and walked to the very edge of the cliff and sat there and dangled my legs down in the air. Seth came and sat next to me

"Aren't you afraid of falling?!!"

"By staying in the safety zone I won't have any fun or live the exciting experience!"

"But you won't die as well!!"

"Don't worry, I don't die that easily!!"

He smiled and put a spoonful of ice-cream in his mouth "Do you like it here!!? I could have taken you to any of the expensive restaurants other girls want to go to but that would have been so boring!!"

"You're lucky you didn't take me to such places otherwise I would have died from boredom and noise!! This place is way better!!"

He smiled at that "I don't want to sound rude but please take off your sunglasses, they're really disturbing!!"

I took them off and put them at the top of my head moving my hair away from my face. I took a spoonful of the delicious ice-cream and noticed that Seth froze staring at my eyes!!

"I don't want to sound rude but you're staring at my fucking eyes like a total psychopath!!"

He chuckled "Ok, ok!! But they're very...... you!"

My eyebrows furrowed so he made it clearer "Very Beautiful!!"

He chuckled and I just stared at him as if he grew two heads instead of four.

"And they say you're funny! God, say another joke like that and I'll throw myself off the cliff or better, I'll throw 'you' off the cliff!!!"

"You won't!!!" He acted hurt and highly offended with his wide eyes!! "How can you even think of trying to kill this walking hotness!!?" He wiped a fake tear "The world will hate you, you're a beauty hater, you're jealous that I'm more gorgeous than you!! Just admit it!"

I stared at him as he talked in his fake high pitched girly voice and tried to be like a fucking drama queen!! Then we exploded in laughter!!! God, I couldn't control myself! That was actually funny, I admit!! I didn't laugh like that in a while!!

"I know someone that talks like that all the time!!"

We smiled evilly at each other then yelled at the same time the same name!!


We laughed a little more at that and when we calmed down we returned to eating our ice-cream!

I chuckled a little "Give him a wig and a silky purple dress and you'll have another Barbie doll at school!!"

He chuckled at that "A blond wig!! That will be interesting!!! He'll take Jessica's place as the school's most popular bitch!!"

"Well he's the school's most popular male bitch already!!"

He nodded agreeing with me then he cleared his throat and became more serious

"I don't want to spoil the moment but I need to tell you something!!" I nodded so he continued "If I won't be able to get you to go to the trip with us, I'll be over!! Maybe you know this but if I don't do as Rees says he'll ruin me and destroy my life!! I promise you I won't let him do any prank on you but please accept to come!!"

I looked at his pleading eyes and without giving it a second thought I nodded.

"Ok!! We'll see what Rees has in store for me!!"

Seth sighed in relief but put his face in his hands and I started hearing his thoughts!!

'I'm such a fucking coward!! How will I ever be able to protect her from him?? Fucking Rees!!'


He lifted his head and looked at me

"Who else will be there!?"

"Most of the popular senior students!!"

"Are the new students going as well!?"

"I don't think so!! Rees hates them, I guess he's afraid they're going to take his place and become more popular than him!!"

"Cool. Let's finish our ice-cream and then you can drive me back home!"


We talked a little about the Math teacher I slightly disrespect in class and saw the huge amount of respect towards me in Seth's smiling eyes!!

In normal circumstances I would have been ashamed of myself for disrespecting a teacher but this time I was sure as hell that he deserved it fair and square!

We laughed and enjoyed the beautiful view then he drove me back home. It was really fun and I started warming up a bit towards Seth seeing him from an entirely different prospective!!

I got inside and heard his car drive away. I took a quick shower then went to the garage. I worked out there for the rest of the day and for the entire night!!

I got two hours of sleep then I woke up and cooked something to eat before I ran up my room to take a shower and get myself ready to go to school!!

I was about to leave the bathroom when I heard someone knocking on the front door. Only one person would come this early, of course Bella!! She must be here to say hi and ask about my date with the 'cute young man'!

I took a white towel and put it around my body and it got to my mid-thighs!! I took another one and started drying my hair with it while walking down the stairs and opening the door. I froze in my place as I saw who was standing at the door!!



So whose at the door!!? And what do you think of the 'not' date!!?

Please vote and comment!! 

Love you all*******

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